I have the trouble to convert the BA label to annotation file. The
Freesurfer 4.3.0 is on Mac OS 10.5.6.
First, I got the BA label:
mri_label2label --srcsubject fsaverage --srclabel
fsaverage/label/lh.BA1.label --trgsubject 001 --trglabel
001/label/lh.BA1.label --hemi lh --regmethod surface
This works. I can load the label onto the surface by using tksurfer.
Select File->Label->Export Annotation. The Terminal window shows ³writing
color table into annotation file...² and stop here. I checked the
lh.BA1.annot, it¹s about 1MB. But when I try to load this annotation, the
surfer warning me no lables imported and annotation was empty.
I went to the command line and type in:
mris_label2annot --s 001 --h lh --ctab 001/label/ba1.annot.ctab --l
001/label/lh.BA1.label --a BA1
Here is the message.
subject 001
hemi    lh
SUBJECTS_DIR /Applications/freesurfer4.3/subjects
ColorTable 001/label/ba1.annot.ctab
AnnotName  BA1
nlables 1
Loading /Applications/freesurfer4.3/subjects/001/surf/lh.orig
001/label/lh.BA1.label 001/label/lh.BA1.label
 1 14465659 BA1
Mapping unhit to unknown
Found 129453 unhit vertices
Writing annot to /Applications/freesurfer4.3/subjects/001/label/lh.BA1.annot
writing colortable into annotation file...

This seems work because I can load the annotation onto the surface. But what
are the ³unhit vertices²? Is this normal?

The last question: how can I get the voxel number (volume) of this label?


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