
I created a triangular mesh of a marmoset cortex (layer 4) from histological 
slices. Although the marmoset cortex is almost flat, it does have a very deep 
calcarine sulcus and I need to push it out. I am hoping that it is possible to 
feed the mesh to FreeSurfer so that it can be flattened. I have no need for the 
GUI or any visualization. All I need is a flattened representation of the mesh. 
Can anyone provide some hints about how I should begin?

The documents for mris_inflate and mris_flatten are pretty sparse. I imagine 
that if I can save my mesh in the format that FreeSurfer uses, I will be able 
to use the two command line tools to flatten. Does that seem sensible? Any 
other processing/commands should be involved?

Thank you.

Hsin-Hao Yu

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