Are you loading the one created by mri_glmfit (in the output


On Mon, 6 Apr 2009, Jeff Sadino wrote:

Thank you for the advice Sid.  I added those lines, and now my errors 
disappear, but I still get a blank screen where there should be a scatterplot.  
Is this a graphics issue with my hardware, or do I need to do something 

This is my fsgd file:
GroupDescriptorFile 1
Title try1
MeasurementName thickness
Class nc circle red
Variables Age
Input 060017_HG01 nc .5
Input 060023_F01 nc .8
Input 060024_HG01 nc .1
Input 060025_HG01 nc .5

The screen that pops up has thickness on the y-axis, but a range of only 0-1 and Age on 
x-axis with range 0-1.  My ages were "real" (50.8, 40.8, 50.1, etc.), but I 
changed them to between 0 and 1 to see if that helped, but no good.

Thanks in advance for your help,
Jeff Sadino

Date: Thu, 12 Mar 2009 18:52:45 -0700
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] tksurfer Load Group Descriptor File error

Class ctrl should be followed by marker and color specification (Class ctrl 
circle red, for e.g). ditto
for cd .


On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 6:37 PM, Jeff Sadino <> wrote:


Can someone help me get scatterplots of my data?  I am using freesurfer 3.0.5.  
I have ran these commands:

mris_preproc  --fsgd try1.fsgd --target fsaverage --hemi lh --meas thickness 
--out lh.try1.mgh

mri_surf2surf  --hemi lh --s fsaverage --sval lh.try1.mgh --fwhm 10 --tval 
mri_glmfit  --y lh.try1.fw.mgh --fsgd try1.fsgd dods --C try1.mtx --surf 
fsaverage lh --glmdir lh.try1.dir
tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated -annot aparc.atlas2005_simple -overlay 

Then selected a vertex, then File->Load Group Descriptor File and selected 
try1.fsgd, but I get this error:

WARNING: Marker for class ctrl was invalid.
WARNING: Color for class ctrl was invalid.
WARNING: Marker for class cd was invalid.

WARNING: Color for class cd was invalid.

This is try1.fsgd:

GroupDescriptorFile 1
Title try1
MeasurementName thickness
Class ctrl
Class cd
Variables Age
Input 040004_P02 ctrl 55.18
Input 050046_S02 ctrl 37.45

Input 070073_S01 cd 20.54
Input 070114_OGM01 cd 46.03

I also tried with lh.try1.dir/y.fsgd, but get a similar error:

INFO: ignoring tag Creator
INFO: ignoring tag SUBJECTS_DIR

INFO: ignoring tag SynthSeed
INFO: gdfRead: reshaping
WARNING: Marker for class ctrl was invalid.
WARNING: Color for class ctrl was invalid.
WARNING: Marker for class cd was invalid.
WARNING: Color for class cd was invalid.

y.fsgd looks like this:

GroupDescriptorFile 1
Title try1
MeasurementName external
Tessellation surface
PlotFile /data/Jeff/glmtut/pass5/try1/lh.try1.fw.mgh
DesignMatFile fsgd.X.mat dods
ResidualFWHM 22.331472

Class ctrl
Class cd
Variables Age
Input 040004_P02 ctrl 55.18
Input 050046_S02 ctrl 37.45
Input 070073_S01 cd 20.54
Input 070114_OGM01 cd 46.03
Creator          mri_glmfit
SUBJECTS_DIR     /share/apps/freesurfer/subjects

SynthSeed        1237057379

In both cases, a graph pops up, but it is blank.  Thank you in advance for your 
Jeff Sadino

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