Hi Anthony,
it should be more accurate (and more reliable in our studies). It
estimates the volume fraction of each tissue class on the border of the
structure, assuming it is mixed with adjacent classes by estimating the
local mean of the two tissue classes, then computing the mixing
coefficients that explain the observed intensity. Thus for example if you
have a dark hippocampal voxel bordering ventricle it will compute that the
voxel has a fair amount of ventricle in it.
On Wed, 4 Mar 2009, Anthony wrote:
Hi all,
In recon-all pipeline , mri_segstats runs with -pv mri/norm.mgz
option ,as written from
http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/mri_segstats , it is used to
compensate partial voluming. I wonder what exactly does this do, as the volumes
given by aseg.stats are different from
aseg.mgz and why is it more accurate ? I will appreciate if anyone could help
to clarify this .
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