That info dump file created by unpacksdcmdir is siemens specific. It is created with

mri_probedicom --i dicomfile > infodump.dat

which you can do on your GE data, but I double that the b values will be in there.


Dominique Jennings wrote:

I am trying to determine the b-values, number of directions and b0 volumes in a GE DTI data set. I know that unpackdcmdir creates an infodump.dat file, and that one can obtain these parameters from that file. I am using a slightly modified version of the 'dcmdir-info-ge' script (written by Doug Greve), but it doesn't automatically create an infodump file (at least, not yet). I would like to create a similar infodump file for these GE data. Does someone out there know how 'unpacksdcmdir' makes that infodump.dat file?

Thanks in advance.
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