does it let you load the fsgd without a register.dat? If not, you can
create one with
tkregister2 --noedit --mov sig.mgh --targ FMRIB58_FA_1mm.nii.gz
--regheader --reg register.dat
Victoria Williams wrote:
The 4D input file of FA values was created using the TBSS processing
stream where each subject was registered to the FMRIB58_FA_1mm.nii.gz
standard brain in the FSL directory. However, the volume I used as the
input for the glmfit is basically a 4D volume of alrealdy registered
subjects that has been masked to only leave a skeleton of white matter
tracts. The order of the FSGD file corresponds to the order of each
subject's registered FA skeleton map in the 4D volume.
On Wed, 25 Feb 2009, Douglas N Greve wrote:
Is is already registered to a subject?
Victoria Williams wrote:
I ran a GLM using a 4d skeletonized Fractional Anisotropy volume
as my input into mri_glmfit with one variable. As this analysis is
not surface based, I must open the results (sig.mgh) using tkmedit
as an overlay. My goal is to open a scatterplot similar to that in
tksurfer which shows the voxel value vs. variable score for each
individual subject at a particular location. When I try to load the
GDF file (the y.fsgd output in glmdir right?), it also asks for a
registration file. I don't think there is a register.dat file as an
output in the glmdir.... so, I was wondering what registration file
it is looking for?
Thanks for the help!
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