
I used Linux Red Hat 5 to install the freesurfer from your website. I followed 
the downloading and Installing steps as mentioned in your website.

But when I tried to Test the Freesurfer Instalation it gave me the following 

[inve...@localhost subjects]# tkmedit bert orig.mgz
tkmedit.bin: error while loading shared libraries: libXmu.so.6: cannot open 
shared object file: No such file or directory.

So I am wondering does it make difference if we download the latest Freesurfer 
software on Redhat 5 or Redhat 9. Is the error is due to linux version or is 
there is anyother problem.

We used this Unix command to download the sofware on Redhat 5


Please let me know the solution. I will be thankful to you.



Naveen K. Yadav MSc
Research Assistant
Dept. of Ophthalmology
McGill Vision Research
McGill University
Montreal, Quebec, Canada

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