

I have just run a number of permutation and mc-z on data that was previously 
analysed using qdec. Unfortunately none of my clusters reach significance (in 
some cases there are no clusters found at all) and I am unsure as to what I am 
doing wrong. I am running freesurfer v4.1.0 on CentOS. My commands were as 


mri_glmfit –y y.mgh –fsgd ./qdec.fsgd dods --surf fsaverage lh

--fwhm 15 –glmdir ./glmdir --C 
./contrasts/lh-Diff-patient-CONTROL-Intercept-thickness.mat --sim perm 5000 2 


followed by:


mri_surfcluster --in ./lh-Diff-patient-CONTROL-Intercept-thickness/sig.mgh –csd 
./glmdir/csd1-lh-Diff-patient-CONTROL-Intercept-thickness.csd --sum 
lh-Diff-patient-CONTROL-Intercept-thickness/sig.cluster.sum –cwsig 


I append a log file of mri_glmfit and the output of mri_surfcluster below – 
there are clusters listed but none of them reach significance. It is confusing 
because I was under the impression that permutation thresholding was less 
conservative than fdr correction. 


I have also run these using –sim mc-z 5000 2  - maybe I am not performing 
enough iterations?


Also: is RFT correction implemented in the latest version of freesurfer?


Any help appreciated,




mri_glmfit logfile:


$Id: mri_glmfit.c,v 2008/08/27 13:33:05 greve Exp $

cwd /cns_zfs/sphasas

cmdline mri_glmfit --y 
/cns_zfs/sphasas/qdec/OCD_CONTROL.lh.cortthick.fwhm15/y.mgh --fsgd 
/cns_zfs/sphasas/qdec/OCD_CONTROL.lh.cortthick.fwhm15/qdec.fsgd dods --glmdir 
/cns_zfs/sphasas/qdec/OCD_CONTROL.lh.cortthick.fwhm15 --surf fsaverage rh 
--label /cns_zfs/sphasas/fsaverage/label/rh.cortex.label --C 

sysname  Linux

hostname haemoglobin.cns.image.iop

machine  x86_64

user     kkvi1114

FixVertexAreaFlag = 1

UseMaskWithSmoothing     1

OneSampleGroupMean 0

y    /cns_zfs/sphasas/qdec/OCD_CONTROL.lh.cortthick.fwhm15/y.mgh

logyflag 0

usedti  0

FSGD /cns_zfs/sphasas/qdec/OCD_CONTROL.lh.cortthick.fwhm15/qdec.fsgd

labelmask  /cns_zfs/sphasas/fsaverage/label/rh.cortex.label

maskinv 0

glmdir /cns_zfs/sphasas/qdec/OCD_CONTROL.lh.cortthick.fwhm15

DoFFx 0

ResidualFWHM 18.998058

SearchSpace 75188.635931

anattype surface



Output of mri_surfcluster:


cwd /cns_zfs/sphasas/qdec/OCD_CONTROL.lh.cortthick.fwhm15

# sysname  Linux

# hostname haemoglobin.cns.image.iop 

# machine  x86_64

# FixVertexAreaFlag = 1


# Input      ./lh-Diff-OCD-CONTROL-Intercept-thickness/sig.mgh

# Frame Number      0

# srcsubj fsaverage 

# hemi lh 

# surface white

# SUBJECTS_DIR /software/system/freesurfer/freesurfer-4.1.0/subjects

# Minimum Threshold 2

# Maximum Threshold infinity

# Threshold Sign    abs

# AdjustThreshWhenOneTail 1

# Area Threshold    0 mm^2

# CSD thresh  2.000000

# CSD nreps    5000

# CSD simtype  perm

# CSD contrast lh-Diff-OCD-CONTROL-Intercept-thickness

# CSD confint  90.000000

# Overall max 2.18803 at vertex 126138

# Overall min -2.94444 at vertex 75849

# NClusters          6

# Total Cortical Surface Area 65416.6 (mm^2)‏ 

# FixMNI = 1

ClusterNo  Max  VtxMax              Size(mm2)          TalX       TalY       
TalZ        CWP      CWPLow             CWPHi   NVtxs 

   1           -2.944    75846                    61.98                     
-17.6      -37.0      -4.2        0.84860  0.84200               0.85500   142

   2           -2.672    22094                    96.92                     
-29.6      0.5         -24.2      0.80680  0.79960               0.81400   182

   3           2.188     126138                  41.24                     
-22.1      -56.8      40.5        0.87160  0.86560               0.87760    74

   4           2.095     81711                    45.09                     
-32.4      -38.2      39.4        0.86860  0.86240               0.87480   105

   5           2.061     147756                 12.32                     -6.2  
      -61.7      38.4         0.90520  0.89980               0.91040   20

   6           2.001     133188                 0.60                        
-32.0      -44.7      59.0        0.91660  0.91160               0.92160    1  


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