It seems like the issue of whether or not to correct the volume when
mapping to fsaverage is akin to the choice of "modulated" vs. "non-
modulated" VBM, as it's called...

On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 13:17 -0500, Nick Schmansky wrote:
> Devdutta,
> The 'area' of a vertex on a surface in freesurfer is just the average of
> the area of the triangles which touch that vertex .
> The volume data associated with a vertex created for a subject is not
> buggy in how it is calculated now.  it is the area of the mid-point
> between the white and pial surfaces times the thickness at the vertex.
> The question that has been bandied about internally is whether this
> volume calculation should be corrected when it is mapped to the
> fsaverage surface during a group analysis (qdec does this mapping of the
> volume calcs of each subject to the fsaverage surface, when you select
> 'volume' as one of the measures).  At some point we will visit this
> issue (and determine if it is an issue) but other stuff seems to take
> priority.  Maybe someone on the list can chime in.
> Nick
> On Tue, 2009-02-17 at 11:28 -0600, Devdutta W wrote:
> > Hi,
> > In Qdec, what exactly does the area option measure?  As I understand,
> > qdec does its calculations vertex by vertex, which makes sense in case
> > of cortical thickness.  But if area refers to surface area how does
> > that change from vertex to vertex?  Or is it calculating the area by
> > ROI?  Is my understanding of this correct?
> > 
> > Also, as regards to the volume option, I was told that it is not
> > working.  But when I ran it it seems to work fine.  Should I take that
> > to mean that the calculation has bugs and that the results it displays
> > are incorrect?  Or has it been fixed?
> > 
> > I greatly appreciate any help in this matter.
> > 
> > Thank you,
> > Devdutta
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