Hi Diana
Sorry. For a quick fix, could you open up aparcstats2table, go to line
# 108 where it says
choices=('aparc', 'aparc.a2005s'),
and delete that line.
Make sure the indentation of the next line is not disturbed
and it should work.
On Feb 6, 2009, at 5:30 AM, Diana Wotruba wrote:
Hi Krish
Thanks again for your quick help! I tried out the new version, it
seams to work fine.
Nevertheless, I created a new parcellation with
mris_anatomical_stats getting a .stat file I called
aparc.a2005s_300. Only now I get the following error message (Which
was not the case in the former version):
aparcstats2table: error: option --parc: invalid choice:
'aparc.a2005s_300' (choose from 'aparc', 'aparc.a2005s')
How can I force the -parc option to read my own parcellations?
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