
My name is Sam Enumah and I am an undergraduate working in the A.A. Martinos
Imaging Center at MGH Navy Yard.  I have become familiar with Freesurfer's
tkmedit function and I am able to analyze my data once I am given a set of
144 MR  dicom files.  While the mri_convert tool works for the dicom files
that are on the local machine, I cannot seem to get it to work for the files
I have tried to retrieve from a CD.  The files on my local host machine all
display the extension  ".dcm"   while the files from the CD do not display a
file extension and are files with names that consist of 8 unique numbers
(e.g 48480095)

As you may know, when running mri_convert, the user need only input one of
the files in a series and it recognizes all the other files and creates the
desired output (in this case the ".nii" file type to be read by tkmedit).
However, when I tried to input these 8 digit file names into mri_convert, I
received the following error:

[gordo:12250000] (nmr-std-env) mri_convert 48480995.dcm adc.nii
mri_convert 48480995.dcm adc.nii
$Id: mri_convert.c,v 2008/08/11 22:18:58 nicks Exp $
reading from 48480995.dcm...
Starting DICOMRead2()
dcmfile = 
= /autofs/homes/014/xmlentz/Desktop/dicom/08110217/12250000
Ref Series No = 805
ERROR: bits = 8 not supported.
Send email to freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu

  I tried
 "mri_convert <filename> --in_type ge adc.nii"
but kept getting the error:
genesisRead(): can't determine file name format

Essentially, my problem is that I have roughly 1000 dicom files (as
evidenced by command "file" in terminal) without an identifiable extension
and I need to find a way to change these into one of any of the set
MR001.dcm - MR144.dcm   to be read by mri_convert.

As it stands now, I don't know what series (average DC, isotropic, FA, etc.)
these 8 digit numbers correspond to so I'm unsure of how to proceed.

Thanks for your time.


Sam Enumah
Harvard College Class of 2010
Concentrator in Neurobiology
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