Hi Sid,

the mri_* command in general operate on volumes and the mris_* commands on surfaces. mri_fill uses different label for the lh and rh, and one call will fill both hemispheres, but if you mean mris_fill, then it takes any surface and fills the interior, so it would only do 1 hemi at a time (although you could of course combine them easily). As for mris_morphology, are you sure you don't mean mri_morphology? It won't take a general structuring element, sorry, just does simple open/close/erode/dilate.


On Fri, 19 Dec 2008, Siddharth Srivastava wrote:

Hi everyone,
                  what is the difference in functionality between the mri_*
commands and the mris_*
                   How does the mris_fill command maintain the distinction
between the left and the
right hemisphere? I see only one filled.mgz having 2 labels? does it write
to the same file during
each invocation (lh,rh), or just one call is enough to fill both
                   mris_morphology: it is possible to specify the
structuring element for the intended
                   best regards,

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