it's only positive for the contrast that you have specified. the roi
summary reports the HRF amplitudes for each condition. When you compute
the contrast of those, you should get the right sign.
Dave Brohawn wrote:
In the stable 3 environment, I ran the func2roi-sess command. This is what
was included:
func2roi-sess -roidef dACC99_rh -analysis EMerror -anatlabel dACC-rh
-maskcontrast ASevfix -maskframe 5 -maskthresh 0.0043648054 -masktail pos
-maskmap sig -sf Subject_files/MTHFRn18-list -d $SUBJECTS_DIR
I then ran this summary generating command:
roisummary-sess -roidef dACC99_rh -analysis EMerror -sf
Subject_files/MTHFRn18-list -d $SUBJECTS_DIR -sumfile
I've viewed the summary file, and found that there are negative values
listed for some of the conditions time points (e.g conditon 1, 2 sec after
stimulus onset).
How can this be if I included the masktail pos flag? I thought that only
captured positive activation.
If there is a way to solve this issue and capture only positive
activation, please post when you can.
Thank you,
Dave Brohawn
Freesurfer mailing list
Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
Phone Number: 617-724-2358
Fax: 617-726-7422
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