I'm curious, what algorithm is used for setting the "mid" and "max"
threshold values in QDEC when using the "Set Using FDR" button?

And, what does the algorithm do for setting the "min" threshold when no
single p-value is significant enough to satisfy the necessary inequality
for the specified FDR Rate?
In that case, is the resulting "min" just set to the -log10(p) of the
most significant p-value?

If easy to implement, it would be handy if the output to the terminal
reported the number of vertices with P < than the FDR determined "min"

Mike H.

Michael Harms, Ph.D.
Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
Washington University School of Medicine
Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
Renard Hospital, Room 6615           Tel: 314-747-6173
660 South Euclid Ave.                Fax: 314-747-2182
St. Louis, MO 63110                  Email: mha...@wustl.edu

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