
I can't say i've seen this done before, but i think what you would do is
use mri_surf2vol to map the sig.mgh file back into your subject volume
space.  you would need a register file to do this, but it is included
with a standard freesurfer recon.  that is, the surface data is on the
'fsaverage' surface, and each subject has a talairach.xfm registration
file created for it (and fsaverage is in talairach space).  then you
would use mri_binarize to threshold that volume down to just the voxel
values at threshold, then find the remaining voxels and use those as the
seed.  you can save files with a .nii extension, for import into fsl's
tools.  see mri_surf2vol --help and mri_binarize --help


On Wed, 2008-12-10 at 17:19 +0000, Alexandru Hanganu wrote:
> Hello All,
> Can you please tell me, when we get the results from QDEC
> {$SUBJECTS_DIR/qdec/Untitled/lh-Avg-thickness-age-Cor/sig.mgh} how can
> we threshold the image and include it as a seed into FSL
> tractography ? What command line should I use ?
> Thank you for your help,
> Best regards,
> Alexandru Hanganu.
> ___________________________________
> Department of Neurology,
> Schleswig-Holstein University Hospital, Kiel Campus
> Arnold-Heller-Str. 3, building no. 41
> D-24105 Kiel, Germany.
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