
I think you're thinking of aparcstats2table (and asegstats2table).

Beware of a bug in aparcstats2table: if you decide to use the older
a2005s parcellations, its possible some subject will not have
parcellations in some areas, and aparcstats2table leaves the value blank
instead of inserting '0', thus messing the column number for that
subject.  This doesnt happen with the default aparc though.


On Tue, 2008-12-09 at 11:47 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Dear FreeSurfer,
> I'd like to generate a spreadsheet with the cortical parcellations
> measures (grey matter volume, surface area) and including all subjects in
> my subjects directory. I seem to recall that there was a script which did
> this, but cannot find it in the mailing list archives.
> Do you recall the name of the script/program? Or is it easier to call
> mris_anatomical_stats on each subject and concatenate the results?
> +glenn
> ------------------------------------
>    Here miracles become marvels, and
>    marvels recurring wonders.
>        -- William Beebe
>    Dr. Glenn Lawyer
>    +352 661 967 244
>    Instituttgruppe for psykiatri
>    Seksjon Vinderen
>    PB 85 Vinderen
>    0319 Oslo
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