
1) when recon-all is finished on a subject, there are a number of stats
found in the <subj>/stats directory.  for the additional ones you want,
you can use mris_anatomical_stats.  see 'mris_anatomical_stats --help'.
ex. mris_anatomical_stats -a aparc -t lgi subjid lh
see also 'aparcstats2table' to group a collection of subjects.

2) you can use the -qcache option of recon-all (normally used to
generate files used by the qdec app) to handle the resampling of data to
a common surface (fsaverage).  example:

recon-all -s subj -qcache -measure lgi -fwhm 0 -hemi lh

will create subj/surf/lh.lgi.fwhm0.fsaverage.mgh

where fwhm is the amount of smoothing (0mm in this case means no
then, once you have this file for every subject, to get a mean, you can
mri_concat --i subj1/surf/lh.lgi.fwhm0.fsaverage.mgh \
  subj2/surf/lh.lgi.fwhm0.fsaverage.mgh \
  subj3/surf/lh.lgi.fwhm0.fsaverage.mgh ... \
  --mean \
  --o mygroup.lh.lgi.fwhm0.mean.fsaverage.mgh

3) there is no way to change the colors in the tkmedit/tksurfer colormap
(other than the color options available).  people change the thresholds
to get the nice pictures.


On Thu, 2008-12-04 at 19:50 -0800, Siddharth Srivastava wrote:
> Hi everyone,
>                    while the machine is busy crunching through our
> data set, i would
> like to prepare myself from the next step of the analysis, which is a
> region-wise
> analysis of the computed metrics by the freesurfer pipeline. Being a
> complete
> novice in the use of this software, i would like to know how do i go
> about
> doing the following:
> 1) With the parcellations already available in freesurfer, i would
> like to
>      extract metrics (curvature, lgi, thickness) etc. for each label,
> and 
>      process them outside freesurfer (matlab, since i am more used to
>      it). Is it possible to do this within freesurfer or without, i.e
> read these 
>      values on the pial/white matter/inflated surfaces, ans also
> extract ones
>      corresponding to a particular label?
> 2) How do i go about generating a group average of the various maps
>      that freesurfer generates (curvature/thickness/lgi) ? As i
> understand,
>      the analysis is done entirely in the subject space. Can i apply a
> transformation
>      to the generated surfaces for averaging? Or does it require a re-
> processing 
>      after registering/reslicing all the data to a common space?
> 3)  I am still struggling with a proper colormap, which can bring out 
>       the structure in out data. I see very nice renderings in
> various 
>       publications, of data generated with freesurfer. Is it possible
> to tweak
>       the colormap to get such a rendering? 
> Thanking you all in anticipation,
> sid.
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