Dear all, I have a few questions about stats in freesurfer that I'd be very grateful if you could answer.
1. Is it possible to reduce the search from the whole brain to a smaller region of interest to apply corrections for multiple comparisons? For example, if I'm interested in differences in the fusiform gyrus, can I restrict the FDR correction to the fusiform? 2. Is it important to control for any global measure when comparing cortical thickness? For example when comparing grey matter volume, it's good practice to control for the intracranial volume. In case of cortical thickness (and other dependent measures in freesurfer), do you know how these are affected by the intracranial volume (or other measures) and how these could be controlled? 3. Finally, I posted a question a few days ago about comparing volume using freesurfer. I'm sorry for insisting on this but I still haven't found any response. My question was whether it's possible to compare volume maps in freesurfer. I'm using an older version (4.0.4) and my impression is that the most recent version might have this feature, but this is unclear to me. I'd be very grateful if you could let me know if this is the case. And if there's any way in which I can compare volumes usig data pre-processed using the version I have. Thank you very much! Best wishes, Lucia _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list