
Yes, you can use your old data with qdec.  Just copy or link the
'fsaverage' subject to your SUBJECTS_DIR, and run recon-all -qcache -s
<subj> on each subject.  That maps your thickness data to the fsaverage
surface at various smoothing levels, and is the primary input to qdec's
mri_glmfit instantiation.


On Wed, 2008-11-19 at 13:12 -0500, Bruce Fischl wrote:
> Hi Ryan,
> if all you want to do is run qdec you can just run a very small part of 
> recon-all (-qcache I think), then you should be all set. Nick can verify.
> cheers,
> Bruce
> On 
> Wed, 19 Nov 2008, Ryan Scotton wrote:
> > Hi Bruce,
> >
> > My team has recently begun planning for data analysis after completing the
> > overwhelming majority of our FreeSurfer runs and manual edits.  However, it
> > came to my attention that we do not currently have Qdec installed on our
> > system...I realized that this is because we were using a very outdated
> > version of FreeSurfer (3.0.4) that did not include Qdec.  We have since
> > downloaded the newest version so that we can begin data analysis, but this
> > raises a bigger question: is it necessary for us to rerun FreeSurfer on all
> > of our subjects (250+) if we are ONLY concerned with the white matter/grey
> > matter surfaces and cortical thickness measurements?  If not, spectacular.
> > If so, is there only a small portion of the recon-all stream that we could
> > run so that we could take care of this problem as fast as possible?
> >
> > Thanks!
> > Ryan
> >
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