Hi, FreeSurfer export,
Thank you very much for response!
Now, under some export's help, I used to the mri_surf2vol to transfer cortex 
thickness into nifti.
The below line is what I used.
mri_surf2vol --surfval ../surf/lh.thickness --hemi lh --fillribbon --template 
orig.mgz --volregidentity ${subid} --outvol lh.ribbon.nii
I checked the result and found the voxel outside the gray matter is always zero 
and in the gray matter is about 0-3. Could you please do me a favor and tell me 
whether these data is cortex thickness or not?
If they are cortex thickness, why are they always different. In my mind, it 
should be same in one direction because we calculate the distance between the 
white matter line and the gray matter line.
Thanks a lot!
All the best,
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