Hi David,
are the control points in the subject's tmp/edit.dat file? When you say it
doesn't work what do you mean? What happens? Are you using recon-all? What
version of FreeSurfer are you using?
On Fri, 7 Nov 2008,
david felps wrote:
Hi Bruce, hi Susan,
i was trying to solve the intensity normalization problem using the methods proposed in
"How-to Guide for Cortical Inflation using FreeSurfer by Susan Mosher Updated May
25, 2005 " .
I was able to add the necessary control points which created, as mentioned in the guide,
the "control.dat" file in the right directory. Now i can not erase or remove
the selected control points from my wm.mgz in the tkmedit and the following command:
% mri_normalize ?f $SUBJECT/tmp/control.dat is not working. i ll be thankfull
for any hint.
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