Hi, groups,

I noticed the updates of longitudinal analysis in the new version of 
Freesurfer. However, I still have a couple of questions about the goal of 
longitudinal analysis.

1. The goal of longitudinal analysis is to detect the atrophy (thinning), but 
the transformation in the registration step will minimize any atrophy. An 
example of outcomes of FLIRT and FNIRT on FSL website exactly demonstrates that 
the atrophy disappears in the 'best' transformation (FNIRT) 
http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/fnirt/index.html. In our experience, the number 
of vertex of post-transformed tp2 is very close to tp1. It is not clear to me 
how the difference in the original thickness between tp2 and tp1 is preserved 
in this transformation. 

One may argue that processing tp1 and tp2 independently does not solve this 
problem because the registration is also used in the routine recon. Is it true? 

2. The new longitudinal process is still using volume-based registration if I 
read it correctly. Why not switch to surface-based since people have argued the 
advantage of surface-based over volume-based?


Thank you for any clarification,



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