Nick, I am tryng to get the updated executables for mri_segstats and mris_wm_volume that are described in your mail message:
==================================================== Christian, Updated mri_segstats and mris_wm_volume executables for centos 32/64bit can be downloaded from here: Nick ==================================================== 1) Will you please point me to the correct version of these files? I'm currently attempting to run about 5000 freesurfer jobs on the teragrid using the BIRN "Grid Wizard Enterprise" batch processing tool, and these 6Gigabyte log files are killing my disk quota requiring a lot of extra manual cleanup. 2) I'm using a series of platforms to get the job done, so I would really appreciate binaries for the following 3 platforms: centos4, centos4_x86_64, macintel-leopard. Separage Issue: The recon-all "-nolog" option does not propogate properly to the /opt/freesurfer/bin/recon-all.makefile. The problem is that recon-all internally uses "make -f $FREESURFER_HOME/bin/recon-all.makefile ${make_flags}" which then calls the recon-all again. The problem is that the nested call of recon-all from the makefile does not get the command line flags for redirecting the log files. You help is always appreciated. Thanks, Hans -- Hans J. Johnson, Ph.D. [EMAIL PROTECTED] 278 GH The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52241 (319) 353 8587 _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list