Dear Experts,

I am going to average data from multiple subjects' surfaces to average surface of my study, obtained by mris_make_average_surface.

The problem is that when I am testing this with simply one subject as input:

#1 Create surface data for subject 1
mri_vol2surf --src ./DATA.img --src_type analyze --reg ./register.dat --hemi rh --o ./DATA.w --out_type w

#2 Turn w to curv
mri_surf2surf --srcsubject Subject1 --sval ./DATA.w --sfmt w --trgsubject Subject1 --tval rh.DATA.curv --tfmt curv --hemi rh

#3 average the one subject to group brain
mris_average_curvature -o AverageSurface DATA.curv rh sphere.reg Subject1 DATA_on_AverageSurface.curv

I get a different result (kind of smoothed result, much more close-to-zero data points around the higher values), compared to when I simply

#2 Turn w to curv , but now directly to AverageSurface
mri_surf2surf --srcsubject Subject1 --sval ./DATA.w --sfmt w --trgsubject AverageSurface --tval rh.DATA.curv --tfmt curv --hemi rh

Why? If there is automatic smoothing in mris_average_curvature, can this be turned off?

best regards,
Simo Vanni

Simo Vanni, MD PhD,
Academy Research Fellow

Vision Systems Physiology
Brain Research Unit/AMI centre
Low Temperature Laboratory
Helsinki University of Technology
PO BOX 3000, 02015-TKK, Espoo

tel: +358-9-451 6159
fax: +358-9-451 2969

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