the surface coords aren't useful to cite as they are not consistent cross-subject. We could display spherical and tal I guess. That would be the most useful

On Tue, 8 Jul 2008, Pedro Paulo de Magalhães Oliveira Junior wrote:


When you cite this cordinates in a paper, what is the name you use?

Best Regards,


2008/7/8 Nick Schmansky <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


The coordinates are surface coordinates.  qdec does not display the Tal
coords, but I think this will be added in a future release.

You can get the Tal coords using tksurfer.  The surface displayed in
qdec is the 'fsaverage' surface, so that can be loaded in tksurfer.
First, in qdec, make note of the vertex number that you are displaying
for your plot.  Then load fsaverage in tksurfer:

 tksurfer fsaverage lh inflated

(or 'rh' if right hemi).

then, select Tools->Select Vertex
and enter the vertex number.  you should see the point highlighted in
blue on the surface.  the tal coords will be displayed in the tools
window.  you can get MNI tal coords by selecting View->Information-
Vertex MNI Talairach


On Sun, 2008-06-29 at 22:10 +0800, Feng-Xian Yan wrote:

I have some problems about surface coordinates.
After running the qdec and analyzed my data(cortical thickness), I
display a plot of the data for a particular vertex by left-clicking on
a point while holding down the Ctrl key. It shows a plot and its plot
window shows this vertex's surface coordinates.
  1) Does the surface coordinates differ from Talairach coordinates?
  2) If yes, can I translate the surface coordinates to Talairach
      And how do I do? Does Freesurfer have some methods to do that?

Thank you in advance.

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