Hi Nicolas,

This week in Brisbane you can find some of the developers of FreeSurfer to
discuss this issue.

My thoughts are: manually traced hippocampi is a still open problem. In 1.5T
in a good quality SPGR or even in 3T it's a difficult task and many times
very operator dependant.

In FreeSurfer tutorial you can find the theory on the subcortical
parcelation/segmentation and how Random Markov Fields are used. IMO
automatic segmentation as FS does can obviously generate errors but it tends
to be in an uniform fashion.

Best Regards,

Pedro Paulo Jr

2008/6/26 Nicolas Cherbuin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

>  Hi,
> Where can I find the protocol used to segment the hippocampus in
> freesurfer? I am comparing manually traced hippocampi to fs segmentation and
> I am interested to know whether differences are due to the protocol used or
> other factors. Thanks
> Regards,
> Nic
> Nicolas Cherbuin
> Research Fellow
> Centre for Mental Health Research
> Australian National University
> Canberra
> ACT 0200
> Ph:     61 2 61253858
> Fax:   61 2 61250733
> CRICOS Provider # 00120C
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