

Occasionally I run into a problem with lower quality, noisy T1 images
(1.5mmx1mmx1mm) where almost all of the tissue is classified as white
matter. Upon inspecting these images (attached), I can understand why it
would make this mistake; the white-gray matter border in them is very
difficult to identify, and tissue intensity is almost homogenous, except
for areas of partial voluming at the very outer edge (which is the only
tissue contained by the pial surface - the white surface on these


Is there any way I can force the white matter segmentation step to be
more conservative with some of its settings? For example, could I modify
the intensity "threshold" for the wm segmentation step? Since this isn't
an error described in the wiki, I'm guessing control points won't do me
much good. Any suggestions would be great.


Victor Laluz : Imaging Coordinator : UCSF Memory and Aging Center


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