
 Thanks for the bugr command.  Here is my information,  Thank you!

Please include the following additional information in your report:

  1) subject name:


  2) the entire command-line executed

csh CD_aftbotox_ctrl5_ContrastAnalysis.csh

  3) the error message generated  (please see below, our preprocessing
step is built into our csh file.)

  4) optionally include the subject's /script/recon-all.log
**The logfile for preprocessing can be found in:
> /autofs/space/meso_018/users/ablood/cerv/log
> striatum:jake[107] more preproc-CD_aftbotox_ctrl5-bold.log


FREESURFER_HOME: /usr/local/freesurfer/stable3

Build stamp: freesurfer-Linux-centos4-stable-v3.0.5-20070717

RedHat release: CentOS release 5 (Final)

Kernel info: Linux 2.6.18-8.1.15.el5 i686

NMR Center info (/space/freesurfer exists):

  machine: striatum

  SUBJECTS_DIR: /space/sake/3/users/inverse/subjects

***(this is set to be /space/meso/18/users/ablood/cerv by the .csh script)

  PWD: /homes/14/jake/AnalysisPrograms


---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: Re: [Freesurfer] Error
From:    "Pratap Kunwar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date:    Fri, March 28, 2008 12:00 pm


Are you doing preprocessing or stxgrinder, and are you running from
> *running from the following directory
> /autofs/homes/014/jake/AnalysisPrograms

/autofs/space/meso_018/users/ablood/cerv/ ?

it will be nice if you provide more info. use "bugr" to get report and
send to freesurfer.
about bugreporting,


> Hi,
>  We are getting an error where our preprocessing step seems to be failing,
> any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you!

> *using the following command (which sources
> /usr/local/freesurfer/nmr-stable3-env)
> striatum:jake[85] csh CD_aftbotox_ctrl5_ContrastAnalysis.csh
> *error:
> --- Parsing Config File:
> /autofs/space/meso_018/users/ablood/cerv/tap_rh_short_CD_aftbotox_ctrl5_sm4/analysis.cfg
> ----
> -gammafit 2.25 1.25 -timewindow 25.0000 -prestim 0 -polyfit 1 -TER 2.5000
> -nskip 0 -fwhm 0 -rescale 1000
> ERROR: 022/fmcsm4 does not have a .meanval file, run inorm
> ERROR (/autofs/space/meso_018/users/ablood/cerv/CD_aftbotox_ctrl5):
> selxavg failed
> ERROR: cannot find tap_rh_short_CD_aftbotox_ctrl5_sm4/h.dat
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> stxgrinder-sess logfile is
> /autofs/space/meso_018/users/ablood/cerv/log/stxgrinder-sess.080328112804.log
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> ERROR: analysis tap_rh_short_CD_aftbotox_ctrl5_sm4 does not exist for
> /autofs/space/meso_018/users/ablood/cerv/CD_aftbotox_ctrl5
> **The logfile for preprocessing can be found in:
> /autofs/space/meso_018/users/ablood/cerv/log
> striatum:jake[107] more preproc-CD_aftbotox_ctrl5-bold.log
> ***Here is the error from the logfile:
> to3d WARNING:
> Significant outliers detected in these sub-bricks:
>   60 103 104 105 106 107 108 120 122
> You should inspect the dataset for possible corruption.
>  [Outliers are defined as in program 3dToutcount.     ]
>  [Outliers early in an EPI time series may be due to  ]
>  [the longitudinal magnetization equilibration effect.]
>  [Other causes are subject movement, scanner problems,]
>  [or anything that makes a time series look irregular.]
>  [  3dToutcount -save outnam dataset | 1dplot -stdin  ]
>  [can be used to make a dataset 'outnam' that marks   ]
>  [outlier voxels; see 3dToutcount -help for details.  ]
> ++ 3D dataset written to disk
> -------------- Motion Correcting ---------------------------
> /autofs/space/meso_018/users/ablood/cerv/CD_aftbotox_ctrl5/bold/mctmp
> set VR = 3dvolreg
> 3dvolreg -verbose -dfile
> /autofs/space/meso_018/users/ablood/cerv/CD_aftbotox_ct
> rl5/bold/018/fmc4.mcdat -prefix 6776.volreg -base targ-6776+orig[0]
> 6776+orig
> ++ Program 3dvolreg: AFNI version=AFNI_2006_03_21_1314 [32-bit]
> ++ Authored by: RW Cox
> ++ Reading in base dataset ./targ-6776+orig.BRIK
> ** Input ./6776+orig.HEAD and base ./targ-6776+orig.HEAD don't have same
> dimensi
> ons!
>    Input: nx=64  ny=64  nz=30
>    Base:  nx=64  ny=64  nz=16
> ** FATAL ERROR: perhaps you could make your datasets match?
> set st = 1
> if ( 1 ) then
> echo ERROR: 3dvolreg existed with status 1
> ERROR: 3dvolreg existed with status 1
> exit 1
> ERROR: mc-sess failed
> Thanks,
> Jake
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