Sorry for the delayed follow-up.
Doug, I don't think mri_surfcluster allows me to implement the
criteria I want (only include clusters containing a peak vertex above
threshold x, but vertices within those clusters can be included if
they exceed threshold y (where y < x).
Bruce, I am happy to do this manually but I'm not sure how. If I
draw a closed path around each cluster to be removed, how do I remove
it and save the sig.mgh file without the cluster. Likewise, If I
click inside the cluster and use custom fill to select it, how do I
remove it from the sig.mgh file, or at least make it invisible?
On Feb 11, 2008, at 7:19 PM, Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Cate,
is doing it manually an option? You could draw closed curves around
each cluster, or click in each one and use the custom fill in
tksurfer. Is that what you mean?
On Mon, 11 Feb 2008, Catherine Hartley wrote:
I'm wondering whether it is possible to create an overlay
consisting of a subset of clusters from a sig.mgh file, filtered
according to custom criteria and preserving the significance value
of each vertex in the remaining clusters so that the overlay can
be thresholded as I choose.
For example, if I wanted to remove a selected set of ten clusters
from a sig.mgh file to yield a new one, is there an easy way to do
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