Mike, This qdec error results from a slightly out-of-date tcl script (an oversight on my part when I updated qdec for v4.0.2). Attached to this email is the file fsgdfPlot.tcl, which contains the function FsdgfPlot_IsWindowShowing, and should be copied to $FREESURFER_HOME/lib/tcl (overwriting the one already there).
Nick On Mon, 2007-12-31 at 17:14 -0600, Michael Harms wrote: > Hello, > > First, ... Happy New Year! > > When trying to run a basic qdec analysis between two groups (using qdec > from FS v4.0.2), I get an error in a pop-up window, which I've screen- > captured and attached as a gif. This is a Linux-centos4 installation, > and it doesn't have a /usr/pubsw directory, so I'm at a bit of a loss > for how to interpret the error message. Do I need to install some other > library? > > The output in the terminal at the point of the error window reads: > > -------- > ... > gdfReadHeader: > reading /disk/conte_raid1/freesurfer/conte_mprage/qdec/Untitled/y.fsgd > INFO: ignoring tag Creator > INFO: ignoring tag SUBJECTS_DIR > INFO: ignoring tag SynthSeed > INFO: demeaning continous variables > Continuous Variable Means (all subjects) > Class Means of each Continuous Variable > 1 classificationProband > 2 classificationControl > WARNING: Marker for class classificationProband was invalid. > WARNING: Color for class classificationProband was invalid. > WARNING: Marker for class classificationControl was invalid. > WARNING: Color for class classificationControl was invalid. > --------- > > If I click 'Ok', the popup goes away momentarily, and then the same > popup window reappears. If I click 'Ok' a second time, I get an > inflated surface with p-values in the qdec display, but the popup error > message continually re-occurs as I select different analyses under the > "Scalars" box. > > I tried "setenv XLIB_SKIP_ARGB_VISUALS 1" wondering if that might be > related, but this had no effect. > > thanks for any insight, > Mike H. > > > _______________________________________________ > Freesurfer mailing list > Freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu > https://mail.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/mailman/listinfo/freesurfer
## ## fsgdfPlot.tcl ## ## CVS Revision Info: ## $Author: nicks $ ## $Date: 2008/01/03 13:45:36 $ ## $Revision: $ ## ## Original Author: Kevin Teich ## ## Copyright (C) 2006-2007, ## The General Hospital Corporation (Boston, MA). ## All rights reserved. ## ## Distribution, usage and copying of this software is covered under the ## terms found in the License Agreement file named 'COPYING' found in the ## FreeSurfer source code root directory, and duplicated here: ## https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/fswiki/FreeSurferOpenSourceLicense ## ## General inquiries: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu ## Bug reports: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ## package require Tix; package require BLT; # Make sure the gdf functions we need have been declared. set gbLibLoaded 0 if { [info commands gdfRead] == "gdfRead" } { set gbLibLoaded 1 } else { puts "Couldn't find gdf commands." } # This function finds a file from a list of directories. proc FindFile { ifnFile ilDirs } { foreach sPath $ilDirs { set sFullFileName [ file join $sPath $ifnFile ] if { [file readable $sFullFileName] } { puts "Reading $sFullFileName" return $sFullFileName } } puts "Couldn't find $ifnFile: Not in $ilDirs" return "" } # Also look for tkUtils.tcl. set sDefaultScriptsDir "" catch { set sDefaultScriptsDir "$env(FREESURFER_HOME)/lib/tcl" } set sUtilsDir "" catch { set sUtilsDir "$env(TKUTILS_SCRIPTS_DIR)" } set fnUtils \ [FindFile tkUtils.tcl \ [list $sUtilsDir "." "../scripts" $sDefaultScriptsDir]] if { [string compare $fnUtils ""] == 0 } { exit } source $fnUtils # This is a description of the data arrays used throughout this code. # gGDF - information gleaned from the header file. # lID - list of IDs # ID # bReadHeader - whether or not his GDF is parsed correctly # title - title of the graph # measurementName - label for the measurement # subjectName - subject name # dataFileName - data file name # cClasses - number of classes # classes,n - n is 0 -> cClasses # label - label for this class # marker - marker for this class # color - color for this class # cSubjects - number of subjects # subjects,n - n is 0 -> num subjects in this class # index - index of the subject # classes,label - label is the label # index - index is the index of this label # cVariables - number of variables # variables,n - n is 0 -> cVariables # label - label for this variable # nDefaultVariable - index of default variable # cSubjects - number of subjects # subjects,n - n is 0 -> cSubjects # id - label of this subject # nClass - index of class of this subject # variables,n - n is 0 -> cVariables # value - value for this variable for this subject # gPlot - information about the plot, including current state.n # ID # state # nVariable - the index of the current variable # info - the info string displayed in lwInfo # focusInfo - the info string displayed for the focused item # lPoints - list of points # pointsChanged - dirty flag for points # data,subjects,n - where n is 0 -> cSubjects # variable - variable value for this subject (for state,nVariable) # measurement - measurement value for this subject # stdDev - standard deviation for this subject # hiElement - name of hilighted element in plot # subjects,n - where n is 0 -> cSubjects # visible - whether or not is visible # classes,n - where n is 0 -> cClasses # visible - whether or not is visible # mean - mean measurement for subects in this class # stdDev - stdDev for subjects in this class # legend - subject or class # bTryRegressionLine - whether or not to try getting the offset/slope # gWidgets - names of widgets # ID # wwTop - the top window # gwPlot - the graph widget # lwInfo - the info label widget # bWindowBuilt - boolean indicating if the window has been built # state # window # geometry - if hidden and reshown, will appear with same geometry # constant values for stuff set kValid(lMarkers) {square circle diamond plus cross splus scross triangle} set kValid(lColors) {red blue green yellow black purple orange pink brown} # Builds the main window. Assumes the header is already read. proc FsgdfPlot_BuildWindow { iID } { global gWidgets gGDF gPlot set wwTop .fsgdf-$iID set gwPlot $wwTop.gwPlot set lwInfo $wwTop.lwInfo set owVar $wwTop.owVar set owLegendMode $wwTop.owLegendMode set lwFocus $wwTop.lwFocus set fwClassConfig $wwTop.fwClassConfig # Make the to window and set its title. toplevel $wwTop -height 500 -width 500 wm title $wwTop $gGDF($iID,title) # Make the graph. blt::graph $gwPlot \ -title $gGDF($iID,title) \ -plotbackground white \ -relief raised -border 2 # Bind our callbacks. $gwPlot legend bind all <Enter> [list FsgdfPlot_CBLegendEnter $iID %W] $gwPlot legend bind all <Leave> [list FsgdfPlot_CBLegendLeave $iID %W] $gwPlot legend bind all <ButtonPress-1> [list FsgdfPlot_CBLegendClick $iID %W] bind $gwPlot <Motion> [list FsgdfPlot_CBGraphMotion $iID %W %x %y] bind $gwPlot <Destroy> [list FsgdfPlot_CBCloseWindow $iID] # Hooking up the zoom functions seems to break some of the other # bindings. Needs more work. # Blt_ZoomStack $gwPlot # Set the y axis label to the measurement name. $gwPlot axis configure y -title $gGDF($iID,measurementName) # Make the info label. set gPlot($iID,state,info) "" tkuMakeActiveLabel $lwInfo \ -variable gPlot($iID,state,info) # Make the variable menu. tixOptionMenu $owVar \ -command "FsgdfPlot_SetVariable $iID" \ -options "label.font [tkuLabelFont]" # Make the mode menu. tixOptionMenu $owLegendMode \ -command "FsgdfPlot_SetMode $iID" \ -options "label.font [tkuLabelFont]" $owLegendMode config -disablecallback 1 $owLegendMode add command subject -label "View by subject" $owLegendMode add command class -label "View by class" $owLegendMode config -disablecallback 0 # Make the focus label. set gPlot($iID,state,focusInfo) "" tkuMakeActiveLabel $lwFocus \ -variable gPlot($iID,state,focusInfo) # Make a frame for the class controls, which we'll fill in later. tixLabelFrame $fwClassConfig -label "Configure Classes" # Place everythingin the window. grid $gwPlot -column 0 -row 0 -columnspan 3 -sticky news grid $lwInfo -column 0 -row 1 -sticky nwe grid $owLegendMode -column 1 -row 1 -sticky se grid $owVar -column 2 -row 1 -sticky se grid $lwFocus -column 0 -row 2 -columnspan 3 -sticky nwe grid $fwClassConfig -column 0 -row 3 -columnspan 3 -sticky ews grid columnconfigure $wwTop 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $wwTop 1 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $wwTop 2 -weight 0 grid rowconfigure $wwTop 0 -weight 1 grid rowconfigure $wwTop 1 -weight 0 grid rowconfigure $wwTop 2 -weight 0 grid rowconfigure $wwTop 3 -weight 0 # Set the names in the gWidgets array. set gWidgets($iID,wwTop) $wwTop set gWidgets($iID,gwPlot) $gwPlot set gWidgets($iID,lwInfo) $lwInfo set gWidgets($iID,lwFocus) $lwFocus set gWidgets($iID,owVar) $owVar set gWidgets($iID,fwClassConfig) [$fwClassConfig subwidget frame] # Build the dynamic window elements for the window. FsgdfPlot_BuildDynamicWindowElements $iID # Set the variable menu value to the header's default variable # index. $owVar config -disablecallback 1 $owVar config -value $gGDF($iID,nDefaultVariable) set gPlot($iID,state,nVariable) $gGDF($iID,nDefaultVariable) $owVar config -disablecallback 0 # Set our initial legen mode to class. $owLegendMode config -disablecallback 1 $owLegendMode config -value class set gPlot($iID,state,legend) class $owLegendMode config -disablecallback 0 # Create the pen for our active element. $gwPlot pen create activeElement \ -symbol circle -color red -pixels 0.2i -fill "" # Note that the window has been built. set gWidgets($iID,bWindowBuilt) 1 } # Builds the window elements that are dependant on data, including the # variable menu and the class configuration section. proc FsgdfPlot_BuildDynamicWindowElements { iID } { global gGDF gWidgets kValid # First delete all entries in the menu. Then for each variable, # make an entry with that variable's label. The command for the # menu has already been set. $gWidgets($iID,owVar) config -disablecallback 1 set lEntries [$gWidgets($iID,owVar) entries] foreach entry $lEntries { $gWidgets($iID,owVar) delete $entry } for { set nVar 0 } { $nVar < $gGDF($iID,cVariables) } { incr nVar } { $gWidgets($iID,owVar) add command $nVar \ -label "$gGDF($iID,variables,$nVar,label)" } $gWidgets($iID,owVar) config -disablecallback 0 # Fill out the class config frame. For each class, make an entry # with an option widget for colors and one for markers. Set up the # entries appropriately and bind it to the right variable. for { set nClass 0 } { $nClass < $gGDF($iID,cClasses) } { incr nClass } { set lw $gWidgets($iID,fwClassConfig).lw$nClass set owMarker $gWidgets($iID,fwClassConfig).owMarker$nClass set owColor $gWidgets($iID,fwClassConfig).owColor$nClass tkuMakeNormalLabel $lw \ -label $gGDF($iID,classes,$nClass,label) \ -anchor e tixOptionMenu $owMarker \ -command "FsgdfPlot_SetNthClassMarker $iID $nClass" \ -options "label.font [tkuLabelFont]" $owMarker config -disablecallback 1 foreach marker $kValid(lMarkers) { $owMarker add command $marker -label $marker } $owMarker config -value $gGDF($iID,classes,$nClass,marker) $owMarker config -disablecallback 0 tixOptionMenu $owColor \ -command "FsgdfPlot_SetNthClassColor $iID $nClass" \ -options "label.font [tkuLabelFont]" $owColor config -disablecallback 1 foreach color $kValid(lColors) { $owColor add command $color -label $color } $owColor config -value $gGDF($iID,classes,$nClass,color) $owColor config -disablecallback 0 # We're packing them in two columns (of three columns each). set nCol [expr ($nClass % 2) * 3] set nRow [expr $nClass / 2] grid $lw -column $nCol -row $nRow -sticky ew grid $owMarker -column [expr $nCol + 1] -row $nRow -sticky ew grid $owColor -column [expr $nCol + 2] -row $nRow -sticky ew } grid columnconfigure $gWidgets($iID,fwClassConfig) 0 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $gWidgets($iID,fwClassConfig) 1 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $gWidgets($iID,fwClassConfig) 2 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $gWidgets($iID,fwClassConfig) 3 -weight 1 grid columnconfigure $gWidgets($iID,fwClassConfig) 4 -weight 0 grid columnconfigure $gWidgets($iID,fwClassConfig) 5 -weight 0 } # Parse the header file, using the gdf functions to read it and pull # data out of it. Returns -1 if there was an error, else it returns an # ID number for the fsgdf. proc FsgdfPlot_ParseHeader { ifnHeader } { global gGDF gPlot gWidgets kValid # Make sure the file exists and has a PlotFile line. If not, we # can't graph it. if { ![file readable $ifnHeader] } { puts "FSGD file doesn't exist or isn't readable." return -1 } set bFound 0 set fHeader [open $ifnHeader "r"] while { [gets $fHeader sLine] >= 0 } { if { [regexp -- PlotFile $sLine] } { set bFound 1 break } } if { !$bFound } { puts "FSGD file doesn't contain a PlotFile entry." return -1 } # Generate a new ID. set ID 0 while { [lsearch -exact $gGDF(lID) $ID] != -1 } { incr ID } set err [catch {set gGDF($ID,object) [gdfRead $ifnHeader 1]}] if { $err } { puts "Couldn't init GDF." return -1 } # Grab all the data and put it into our TCL object. All these gdf* # functions return a list of results. The first is an integer # representing a result code. The second -> whatever is the actual # result of the function. set lResults [gdfGetTitle $gGDF($ID,object) ignore] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,title) [lindex $lResults 1] } else { puts "WARNING: Could not get the graph title." set gGDF($ID,title) "Untitled graph" } set lResults [gdfGetMeasurementName $gGDF($ID,object) ignore] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,measurementName) [lindex $lResults 1] } else { puts "WARNING: Could not get the measurement label." set gGDF($ID,measurementName) "Measurement" } set lResults [gdfGetSubjectName $gGDF($ID,object) ignore] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,subjectName) [lindex $lResults 1] } else { puts "WARNING: Could not get the subject name." set gGDF($ID,subjectName) "Unknown" } set lResults [gdfGetDataFileName $gGDF($ID,object) ignore] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,dataFileName) [lindex $lResults 1] } else { puts "WARNING: Could not get the data file name." set gGDF($ID,dataFileName) "Unknown" } set lResults [gdfGetNumClasses $gGDF($ID,object)] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,cClasses) [lindex $lResults 1] # If they didn't specify color or marker for the class, use # these and increment so all the classes are different. set nColor 0 set nMarker 0 for { set nClass 0 } { $nClass < $gGDF($ID,cClasses) } { incr nClass } { set lResults [gdfGetNthClassLabel $gGDF($ID,object) $nClass ignore] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,label) [lindex $lResults 1] } else { puts "WARNING: Could not get ${nClass}th label." set gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,label) "Class $nClass" } set lResults [gdfGetNthClassMarker $gGDF($ID,object) $nClass ignore] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,marker) [lindex $lResults 1] } else { puts "WARNING: Could not get ${nClass}th label." set gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,marker) "" } # Look for the marker in the array of valid markers. If # it's not found, output a warning and set it to the # default. set n [lsearch -exact $kValid(lMarkers) $gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,marker)] if { $n == -1 } { puts "WARNING: Marker for class $gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,label) was invalid." set gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,marker) \ [lindex $kValid(lMarkers) $nMarker] incr nMarker if { $nMarker >= [llength $kValid(lMarkers)] } {set nMarker 0 } } set lResults [gdfGetNthClassColor $gGDF($ID,object) $nClass ignore] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,color) [lindex $lResults 1] } else { puts "WARNING: Could not get ${nClass}th label." set gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,color) "" } # Look for the coclor in the array of valid color. If # it's not found, output a warning and set it to the # default. set n [lsearch -exact $kValid(lColors) \ $gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,color)] if { $n == -1 } { puts "WARNING: Color for class $gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,label) was invalid." set gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,color) \ [lindex $kValid(lColors) $nColor] incr nColor if { $nColor >= [llength $kValid(lColors)] } { set nColor 0 } } # This is the reverse lookup for a class label -> index. set gGDF($ID,classes,$gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,label),index) $nClass # Initialize all classes as visible. set gPlot($ID,state,classes,$nClass,visible) 1 } } else { puts "ERROR: Could not get number of classes." return -1 } set lResults [gdfGetNumVariables $gGDF($ID,object)] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,cVariables) [lindex $lResults 1] for { set nVariable 0 } \ { $nVariable < $gGDF($ID,cVariables) } { incr nVariable } { set lResults [gdfGetNthVariableLabel $gGDF($ID,object) $nVariable ignore] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,variables,$nVariable,label) [lindex $lResults 1] } else { puts "WARNING: Could not get ${nClass}th label." set gGDF($ID,variables,$nVariable,label) "Variable $nVariable" } } } else { puts "ERROR: Could not get number of variables." return -1 } set lResults [gdfGetDefaultVariable $gGDF($ID,object) ignore] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,defaultVariable) [lindex $lResults 1] } else { puts "WARNING: Could not get default variable." set gGDF($ID,defaultVariable) $gGDF($ID,variables,0,label) } set lResults [gdfGetDefaultVariableIndex $gGDF($ID,object)] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,nDefaultVariable) [lindex $lResults 1] } else { puts "WARNING: Could not get default variable index." set gGDF($ID,defaultVariable) 0 } set lResults [gdfGetNumSubjects $gGDF($ID,object)] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,cSubjects) [lindex $lResults 1] for { set nSubject 0 } \ { $nSubject < $gGDF($ID,cSubjects) } { incr nSubject } { set lResults [gdfGetNthSubjectID $gGDF($ID,object) $nSubject ignore] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,subjects,$nSubject,id) [lindex $lResults 1] } else { puts "WARNING: Could not get ${nSubject}th subject." set gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,label) "Subject $nSubject" } set lResults [gdfGetNthSubjectClass $gGDF($ID,object) $nSubject] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,subjects,$nSubject,nClass) [lindex $lResults 1] } else { puts "WARNING: Could not get ${nSubject}th subject." set gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,label) 0 } for { set nVariable 0 } \ { $nVariable < $gGDF($ID,cVariables) } { incr nVariable } { set lResults [gdfGetNthSubjectNthValue $gGDF($ID,object) $nSubject $nVariable] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set gGDF($ID,subjects,$nSubject,variables,$nVariable,value) \ [lindex $lResults 1] } else { puts "WARNING: Could not value for ${nSubject}th subject ${nVariable}th variable." set gGDF($ID,subjects,$nSubject,variables,$nVariable,value) 0 } } # Initialize all subjects as visible. set gPlot($ID,state,subjects,$nSubject,visible) 1 } } else { puts "ERROR: Could not get number of subjects." return -1 } # This groups the subjects by the class they are in. For each # class, for each subject, if the subject is in the class, assign # the subject index to that subject-in-class index. for { set nClass 0 } { $nClass < $gGDF($ID,cClasses) } { incr nClass } { set nSubjInClass 0 for { set nSubj 0 } { $nSubj < $gGDF($ID,cSubjects) } { incr nSubj } { if { $gGDF($ID,subjects,$nSubj,nClass) == $nClass } { set gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,subjects,$nSubjInClass,index) $nSubj incr nSubjInClass } } set gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,cSubjects) $nSubjInClass } # We now have a header. set gGDF($ID,bReadHeader) 1 # Start out trying to find the offset/slope for a class/var. set gPlot($ID,state,bTryRegressionLine) 1 # If we have a window, build the dynamic elements. if { [info exists gWidgets($ID,bWindowBuilt)] && $gWidgets($ID,bWindowBuilt) } { FsgdfPlot_BuildDynamicWindowElements $ID } if { 0 } { puts "$gGDF($ID,cClasses) classes:" for { set nClass 0 } { $nClass < $gGDF($ID,cClasses) } { incr nClass } { puts "$nClass: label=$gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,label) marker=$gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,marker) color=$gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,color) reverse index=$gGDF($ID,classes,$gGDF($ID,classes,$nClass,label),index)" } puts "$gGDF($ID,cVariables) variables:" for { set nVar 0 } { $nVar < $gGDF($ID,cVariables) } { incr nVar } { puts "$nVar: label=$gGDF($ID,variables,$nVar,label)" } puts "$gGDF($ID,cSubjects) subjects:" for { set nSubj 0 } { $nSubj < $gGDF($ID,cSubjects) } { incr nSubj } { puts "$nSubj: id=$gGDF($ID,subjects,$nSubj,id) class=$gGDF($ID,subjects,$nSubj,nClass)" } } lappend gGDF(lID) $ID return $ID } # This plots the current data on the graph. It is fast enough that it # can be called any time the data is changed to completely redraw it # from scratch. proc FsgdfPlot_PlotData { iID } { global gWidgets gPlot gGDF FsgdfPlot_ShowWindow $iID # Don't plot if the window isn't built or we don't have data. if { ![info exists gWidgets($iID,bWindowBuilt)] || ![info exists gGDF($iID,bReadHeader)] || !$gWidgets($iID,bWindowBuilt) || !$gGDF($iID,bReadHeader) } { return } set gw $gWidgets($iID,gwPlot) # Set the x axis title to the label of the current variable. $gw axis configure x \ -title $gGDF($iID,variables,$gPlot($iID,state,nVariable),label) # Remove all the elements and markers from the graph. set lElements [$gw element names *] foreach element $lElements { $gw element delete $element } set lMarkers [$gw marker names *] foreach marker $lMarkers { $gw marker delete $marker } # If we have no points, return. if { ![info exists gPlot($iID,state,lPoints)] || [llength $gPlot($iID,state,lPoints)] == 0 } { return } # Depending on our legend mode, we'll draw by class or subject. if { $gPlot($iID,state,legend) == "class" } { # For each class, for each subject, if the subject's class is # the same as the current class, get its data points and add # them to a list. Also calculate error bar coords. Then draw # the entire list of data in the class's color/marker. If the # class is hidden, set the color to white (so it shows up # white in the legend) and hide the element. Draw the error # bars as well. for { set nClass 0 } { $nClass < $gGDF($iID,cClasses) } { incr nClass } { set lData {} set nSubjInClass 0 for { set nSubj 0 } { $nSubj < $gGDF($iID,cSubjects) } { incr nSubj } { if { $gGDF($iID,subjects,$nSubj,nClass) == $nClass } { if { $gPlot($iID,state,pointsChanged) } { FsgdfPlot_CalculateSubjectMeasurement $iID $nSubj } set gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,variable) $gGDF($iID,subjects,$nSubj,variables,$gPlot($iID,state,nVariable),value) lappend lData $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,variable) lappend lData $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,measurement) # Make the error coords a line from x=variable and # +-y=stddev. set meas $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,measurement) set stdDev $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,stdDev) lappend lErrorBars [list $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,variable) [expr $meas - $stdDev] $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,variable) [expr $meas + $stdDev]] } } # Now that we calculated the values for all our subjects, # we get the average for this class. if { $gPlot($iID,state,pointsChanged) } { FsgdfPlot_CalculateClassAverageMeasurement $iID $nClass } if { $gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,visible) } { set bHide 0 set color $gGDF($iID,classes,$nClass,color) } else { set bHide 1 set color white } # Draw all our points. $gw element create $gGDF($iID,classes,$nClass,label) \ -data $lData \ -symbol $gGDF($iID,classes,$nClass,marker) \ -color $color -linewidth 0 -outlinewidth 1 -hide $bHide \ -activepen activeElement # Draw error bars. We're drawing a series of elements here # that each need a unique name. set nErrorIndex 0 foreach lBar $lErrorBars { $gw element create error$nClass$nErrorIndex \ -data $lBar \ -color $color \ -symbol splus \ -label "" \ -pixels 5 incr nErrorIndex } # Draw the mean line. if { 1 } { set x1 -200 set y1 $gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,mean) set x2 200 set y2 $gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,mean) $gw marker create line \ -coords [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] \ -outline $gGDF($iID,classes,$nClass,color) \ -dashes {3 3} # Draw the stddev lines for the mean line. set y1 [expr $gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,mean) - $gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,stdDev)] set y2 [expr $gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,mean) - $gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,stdDev)] $gw marker create line \ -coords [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] \ -outline $gGDF($iID,classes,$nClass,color) \ -dashes {1 3} set y1 [expr $gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,mean) + $gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,stdDev)] set y2 [expr $gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,mean) + $gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,stdDev)] $gw marker create line \ -coords [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] \ -outline $gGDF($iID,classes,$nClass,color) \ -dashes {1 3} } } } else { # For each subject, if the points have changed, calculate the # measurements. Get the variable value. If the subject is # visible, set the hide flag to 0 and the color to the # subject's class color, else set the hide flag to 1 and set # the color to white. Create the element. Also calc and create # error bar elements. for { set nSubj 0 } { $nSubj < $gGDF($iID,cSubjects) } { incr nSubj } { if { $gPlot($iID,state,pointsChanged) } { FsgdfPlot_CalculateSubjectMeasurement $iID $nSubj } set gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,variable) $gGDF($iID,subjects,$nSubj,variables,$gPlot($iID,state,nVariable),value) if { $gPlot($iID,state,subjects,$nSubj,visible) } { set bHide 0 set color $gGDF($iID,classes,$gGDF($iID,subjects,$nSubj,nClass),color) } else { set bHide 1 set color white } $gw element create $gGDF($iID,subjects,$nSubj,id) \ -data [list $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,variable) $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,measurement)] \ -symbol $gGDF($iID,classes,$gGDF($iID,subjects,$nSubj,nClass),marker) \ -color $color -linewidth 0 -outlinewidth 1 -hide $bHide \ -activepen activeElement set meas $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,measurement) set stdDev $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,stdDev) $gw element create error$nSubj \ -data [list $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,variable) [expr $meas - $stdDev] \ $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,variable) [expr $meas + $stdDev]] \ -color $color \ -symbol splus \ -label "" \ -pixels 5 } } # If we're trying to draw the regression line, for each class, if # the class is visible, get the offset and slope for that class # and the current variable. This depends on the point we're # drawing, so get the avg of all the points if necessary. Then # make a marker calculating two points on the line. if # gdfOffsetSlope() failes, set the bTryRegressionLine flag to # false, so we won't try drawing it again. if { $gPlot($iID,state,bTryRegressionLine) } { for { set nClass 0 } { $nClass < $gGDF($iID,cClasses) } { incr nClass } { if { $gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,visible) } { set nVar $gPlot($iID,state,nVariable) # Calc the avg offset and slope for all points. set offset 0 set slope 0 set cGood 0 foreach lPoint $gPlot($iID,state,lPoints) { scan $lPoint "%d %d %d" x y z set lResults [gdfOffsetSlope $gGDF($iID,object) $nClass $nVar $x $y $z] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set offset [expr $offset + [lindex $lResults 1]] set slope [expr $slope + [lindex $lResults 2]] incr cGood } else { set gPlot($iID,state,bTryRegressionLine) 0 break } if { $cGood > 0 } { set x1 -200 set y1 [expr ($slope * $x1) + $offset] set x2 200 set y2 [expr ($slope * $x2) + $offset] $gw marker create line \ -coords [list $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] \ -outline $gGDF($iID,classes,$nClass,color) \ -dashes {5 5} } } } if { $gPlot($iID,state,bTryRegressionLine) == 0 } { break } } } set gPlot($iID,state,pointsChanged) 0 } # Accesses and calculates the (averaged if necessary) measurment # values at the current point(s). Stores the values in gPlot. proc FsgdfPlot_CalculateSubjectMeasurement { iID inSubject } { global gPlot gGDF # Get the average of the points we've been given. set sumMean 0 set sumVar 0 set cGood 0 foreach lPoint $gPlot($iID,state,lPoints) { scan $lPoint "%d %d %d" x y z set lResults [gdfGetNthSubjectMeasurement $gGDF($iID,object) $inSubject $x $y $z] set err [lindex $lResults 0] if { 0 == $err } { set sumMean [expr $sumMean + [lindex $lResults 1]] set sumVar [expr $sumVar + pow([lindex $lResults 1],2.0)] incr cGood } } set mean 0 set stdDev 0 if { $cGood > 0 } { set mean [expr $sumMean / $cGood.0] if { $cGood > 1 } { set stdDev [expr sqrt($sumVar / $cGood.0 - pow($mean,2))] } } # Store the values in gPlot. set gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$inSubject,measurement) $mean set gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$inSubject,stdDev) $stdDev } # Accesses and calculates the average measurment values for the # subjects in the passed class. Stores the values in gPlot. Depends on # the values calculated by FsgdfPlot_CalculateClassAverageMeasurement # first. proc FsgdfPlot_CalculateClassAverageMeasurement { iID inClass } { global gPlot gGDF # Make sure we have subjects in this class. if { $gGDF($iID,classes,$inClass,cSubjects) == 0 } { set gPlot($iID,state,classes,$inClass,mean) 0 set gPlot($iID,state,classes,$inClass,stdDev) 0 return } # Get the average of the points we've been given. set sumMean 0 set sumVar 0 for { set nSubjInClass 0 } \ { $nSubjInClass < $gGDF($iID,classes,$inClass,cSubjects) } \ { incr nSubjInClass } { # This is the overall subject index. set nSubj $gGDF($iID,classes,$inClass,subjects,$nSubjInClass,index) # This is set in FsgdfPlot_CalculateSubjectMeasurement as the # average measurement for all points for this subject # currently being graphed. set meas $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,measurement) set sumMean [expr $sumMean + $meas] set sumVar [expr $sumVar + pow($meas,2.0)] } set mean 0 set stdDev 0 set mean [expr $sumMean / $gGDF($iID,classes,$inClass,cSubjects).0] if { $gGDF($iID,classes,$inClass,cSubjects) > 1 } { set stdDev [expr sqrt($sumVar / $gGDF($iID,classes,$inClass,cSubjects).0 - pow($mean,2))] } # Store the values in gPlot. set gPlot($iID,state,classes,$inClass,mean) $mean set gPlot($iID,state,classes,$inClass,stdDev) $stdDev } # Hilight/UnhilightElement works on an element by name (which could be # a subject or class, depending on viewing mode). It will # select/unselect the element name in the legend and change the # drawing pen of the element in the graph, which if activated draws it # with a red circle around it. proc FsgdfPlot_HilightElement { iID iElement } { global gWidgets $gWidgets($iID,gwPlot) legend activate $iElement $gWidgets($iID,gwPlot) element activate $iElement } proc FsgdfPlot_UnhilightElement { iID iElement } { global gWidgets $gWidgets($iID,gwPlot) legend deactivate $iElement $gWidgets($iID,gwPlot) element deactivate $iElement } # Shows or hide an element by name, in subject or class mode. Changes # the value of the gPlot visibility flag. proc FsgdfPlot_ToggleVisibility { iID iElement } { global gPlot # If we're in subject legend mode, the legend label is a subject # name. Get the subject index and toggle its visibility. If we're in # class legend mode, the legend label is a class name, so get the # class index and toggle its visibility. if { $gPlot($iID,state,legend) == "subject" } { set nSubj [FsgdfPlot_GetSubjectIndexFromID $iID $iElement] if { $gPlot($iID,state,subjects,$nSubj,visible) } { set gPlot($iID,state,subjects,$nSubj,visible) 0 } else { set gPlot($iID,state,subjects,$nSubj,visible) 1 } } else { set nClass [FsgdfPlot_GetClassIndexFromLabel $iID $iElement] if { $gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,visible) } { set gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,visible) 0 } else { set gPlot($iID,state,classes,$nClass,visible) 1 } } } # Focus/Unfocus is called to 'mouseover' an element. It # Hilight/Unhilights an element and puts or removes the subject name # in a text marker in the graph. proc FsgdfPlot_UnfocusElement { iID } { global gPlot gWidgets # If we have a focused element, unhighlight it, set the # highlighted element name to null, and delete the hover text # marker. if { [info exists gPlot($iID,state,hiElement)] && \ "$gPlot($iID,state,hiElement)" != "" } { FsgdfPlot_UnhilightElement $iID $gPlot($iID,state,hiElement) set gPlot($iID,state,hiElement) "" $gWidgets($iID,gwPlot) marker delete hover set gPlot($iID,state,focusInfo) "" } } proc FsgdfPlot_FocusElement { iID iElement inSubjInClass iX iY } { global gPlot gWidgets gGDF # Don't focus on error bars. if { [string match error* $iElement] } { return } # Set the highlighted element name and highlight the element. set gPlot($iID,state,hiElement) $iElement FsgdfPlot_HilightElement $iID $gPlot($iID,state,hiElement) # Need to get the subject name. If we're in subject mode, this is # just the element name, otherwise we're getting the class name in # the element name so get the class index, then use that and the # parameter we got (index of the data point, also the # subject-in-class index) to get th subject index, and then the # subject name. set nSubj 0 set sId "" set nClass [FsgdfPlot_GetClassIndexFromLabel $iID $iElement] if { $gPlot($iID,state,legend) == "subject" } { set nSubj [FsgdfPlot_GetSubjectIndexFromID $iID $iElement] set sId $iElement } else { set nSubj $gGDF($iID,classes,$nClass,subjects,$inSubjInClass,index) set sId $gGDF($iID,subjects,$nSubj,id) } set nVariable $gPlot($iID,state,nVariable) set sValue [format "%.0f" $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,variable)] set sMeasurement [format "%.3f" $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,measurement)] set sStdDev "" if { $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,stdDev) != 0 } { set sStdDev " +/- [format "%.3f" $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,stdDev)]" } set sShortLabel "$sId ($sValue$sStdDev, $sMeasurement)" set sLongLabel "$sId: $gGDF($iID,variables,$nVariable,label) = $sValue$sStdDev, $gGDF($iID,measurementName) = $sMeasurement" $gWidgets($iID,gwPlot) marker create text -name hover -text $sShortLabel -anchor nw -coords [list $iX $iY] set gPlot($iID,state,focusInfo) $sLongLabel } # Finds the element under the mouse. proc FsgdfPlot_FindMousedElement { iID iX iY } { global gWidgets set bFound [$gWidgets($iID,gwPlot) element closest $iX $iY aFound -halo 10] if { $bFound } { return [list $aFound(name) $aFound(index) $aFound(x) $aFound(y)] } return "" } # Converts from subject or class names to indicies. proc FsgdfPlot_GetSubjectIndexFromID { iID iSubjID } { global gGDF for { set nSubj 0 } { $nSubj < $gGDF($iID,cSubjects) } { incr nSubj } { if { "$iSubjID" == "$gGDF($iID,subjects,$nSubj,id)" } { return $nSubj } } return -1 } proc FsgdfPlot_GetClassIndexFromLabel { iID iLabel } { global gGDF for { set nClass 0 } { $nClass < $gGDF($iID,cClasses) } { incr nClass } { if { "$iLabel" == "$gGDF($iID,classes,$nClass,label)" } { return $nClass } } return -1 } # Our callbacks. proc FsgdfPlot_CBCloseWindow { iID } { global gWidgets set gWidgets($iID,bWindowBuilt) 0 } proc FsgdfPlot_CBLegendEnter { iID igw } { FsgdfPlot_HilightElement $iID [$igw legend get current] } proc FsgdfPlot_CBLegendLeave { iID igw } { FsgdfPlot_UnhilightElement $iID [$igw legend get current] } proc FsgdfPlot_CBLegendClick { iID igw } { FsgdfPlot_ToggleVisibility $iID [$igw legend get current] FsgdfPlot_PlotData $iID } proc FsgdfPlot_CBGraphMotion { iID igw iX iY } { FsgdfPlot_UnfocusElement $iID set lResult [FsgdfPlot_FindMousedElement $iID $iX $iY] set element [lindex $lResult 0] if { "$element" != "" } { set index [lindex $lResult 1] set x [lindex $lResult 2] set y [lindex $lResult 3] FsgdfPlot_FocusElement $iID $element $index $x $y } } # ============================================================ PUBLIC # Call once before anything else to initialize the data structures. proc FsgdfPlot_Init {} { global gWidgets gbLibLoaded gGDF if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } set gGDF(lID) {} } # Read a header file. proc FsgdfPlot_Read { ifnHeader } { global gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { puts "NOT LOADED" ; ereturn -1 } set ID [FsgdfPlot_ParseHeader $ifnHeader] return $ID } # Print information about the header. proc FsgdfPlot_Print { iID } { global gGDF gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } gdfPrintStdout $gGDF($iID,object) } # Show or hide the window. If it hasn't been built, builds the window # first. proc FsgdfPlot_ShowWindow { iID } { global gGDF gWidgets gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } if { ![info exists gWidgets($iID,bWindowBuilt)] || !$gWidgets($iID,bWindowBuilt) } { FsgdfPlot_BuildWindow $iID } wm deiconify $gWidgets($iID,wwTop) if { [info exists gWidgets($iID,state,window,geometry)] } { wm geometry $gWidgets($iID,wwTop) $gWidgets($iID,state,window,geometry) } } proc FsgdfPlot_HideWindow { iID } { global gGDF gWidgets gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } if { [info exists gWidgets($iID,window,wwTop)] } { set gWidgets($iID,state,window,geometry) \ [wm geometry $gWidgets($iID,wwTop)] wm withdraw $gWidgets($iID,wwTop) } } # Returns whether a plot window is built and visible. proc FsgdfPlot_IsWindowShowing { iID } { global gGDF gWidgets gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return 0 } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return 0 } if { ![info exists gWidgets($iID,bWindowBuilt)] || !$gWidgets($iID,bWindowBuilt) } { return 0 } return 1 } # Set the current variable. proc FsgdfPlot_SetVariable { iID inVariable } { global gGDF gWidgets gPlot gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } set gPlot($iID,state,nVariable) $inVariable FsgdfPlot_PlotData $iID } # Set legend mode to subject or class. proc FsgdfPlot_SetMode { iID iMode } { global gGDF gWidgets gPlot gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } if { $iMode != "subject" && $iMode != "class" } { return } set gPlot($iID,state,legend) $iMode FsgdfPlot_PlotData $iID } # Set display settings for a class. proc FsgdfPlot_SetNthClassMarker { iID inClass iMarker } { global gGDF kValid gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } if { $inClass < 0 || $inClass >= $gGDF($iID,cClasses) } { return } if { [lsearch -exact $kValid(lMarkers) $iMarker] == -1 } { return } set gGDF($iID,classes,$inClass,marker) $iMarker FsgdfPlot_PlotData $iID } proc FsgdfPlot_SetNthClassColor { iID inClass iColor } { global gGDF kValid gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } if { $inClass < 0 || $inClass >= $gGDF($iID,cClasses) } { return } if { [lsearch -exact $kValid(lColors) $iColor] == -1 } { return } set gGDF($iID,classes,$inClass,color) $iColor FsgdfPlot_PlotData $iID } # Choose a point to be displayed. Either choose one point or make a # point list to be averaged. proc FsgdfPlot_SetPoint { iID iX iY iZ } { global gbLibLoaded gGDF if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } FsgdfPlot_BeginPointList $iID FsgdfPlot_AddPoint $iID $iX $iY $iZ FsgdfPlot_EndPointList $iID } proc FsgdfPlot_BeginPointList { iID } { global gGDF gPlot gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } set gPlot($iID,state,lPoints) {} } proc FsgdfPlot_AddPoint { iID iX iY iZ } { global gGDF gWidgets gPlot gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } lappend gPlot($iID,state,lPoints) [list $iX $iY $iZ] set gPlot($iID,state,pointsChanged) 1 } proc FsgdfPlot_EndPointList { iID } { global gGDF gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } FsgdfPlot_PlotData $iID } # Set the info string displayed under the graph. proc FsgdfPlot_SetInfo { iID isInfo } { global gGDF gPlot gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } set gPlot($iID,state,info) $isInfo } # Save the currently plotted data to a table. proc FsgdfPlot_SaveToTable { iID ifnTable } { global gPlot gGDF gbLibLoaded if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } set fp 0 set err [catch {set fp [open $ifnTable w+]}] if { $err || $fp == 0 } { puts "Couldn't write file $ifnTable." return } puts $fp "Graph: $gGDF($iID,title)" puts $fp "Data: $gGDF($iID,dataFileName)" puts $fp "Variable: $gGDF($iID,variables,$gPlot($iID,state,nVariable),label)" puts $fp "Measurement: $gGDF($iID,measurementName)" puts $fp "subject id, class id, variable value, measurement value, standard deviation" puts $fp "------------" for { set nSubj 0 } { $nSubj < $gGDF($iID,cSubjects) } { incr nSubj } { set subjLabel $gGDF($iID,subjects,$nSubj,id) set classLabel $gGDF($iID,classes,$gGDF($iID,subjects,$nSubj,nClass),label) set var $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,variable) set meas $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,measurement) set stdDev $gPlot($iID,state,data,subjects,$nSubj,stdDev) puts $fp "$subjLabel $classLabel $var $meas $stdDev" } puts $fp "------------" puts "" close $fp } # Save the current plot graphic to a postscript file. proc FsgdfPlot_SaveToPostscript { iID ifnPS } { global gGDF gWidgets gbLibLoaded if { !$gbLibLoaded } { return } if { [lsearch $gGDF(lID) $iID] == -1 } { puts "ID not found"; return } set err [catch {$gWidgets($iID,gwPlot) postscript output $ifnPS} sResult] if { $err } { puts "Could not save postscript file: $sResult" } }
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