Hi Roberto,
can you visually inspect the talairach transform using tkregister2 and
see if it is correct?
On Fri, 21 Dec 2007, Roberto Roiz Ssantiáñez wrote:
Dear all.
I have tried to run recon-all -s subject -autorecon1 with a sequence
acquired in a 3T Philips scanner. I have transformed the image into
Analise using MRIcro and then run recon-all. I got the following error:
talairach_avi done
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Talairach Failure Detection Fri Dec 21 16:24:50 CET 2007
talairach_afd -T 0.005 -xfm transforms/talairach.xfm
ERROR: talairach_afd: Talairach Transform: transforms/talairach.xfm
***FAILED*** (p=0.0000, pval=0.0000 < threshold=0.0050)
Linux roberto-desktop 2.6.22-14-generic #1 SMP Sun Oct 14 23:05:12 GMT
2007 i686 GNU/Linux
recon-all exited with ERRORS at Fri Dec 21 16:24:50 CET 2007
However when I do the same wit ha different sequence acquired in a 1.5 GE
scanner everything runs nice.
Any idea where the problem could be?
Best wishes and Happy Christmas
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