Can you try running it with:
-volid orig.mgz
let me know if that works
anisha narula wrote:
I am doing a retinotopy study, and when I view the slices using the
sliceview-sess command I obtain activation in the regions desired.
However, when I view results on the flattened patches, activation is
messed up.
I tried running the tkmedit-sess command.
tkmedit-sess -analysis rtopy -contrast h -map t -sf sessid -df sessdir
and it gave me this error:
INFO: Found session in: /home/anisha87/freesurfer/subjects//ac1_ret
grep: /home/anisha87/freesurfer/subjects//ac1_ret/ No
such file ordirectory
INFO: Found session in: /home/anisha87/freesurfer/subjects//ac1_ret
grep: /home/anisha87/freesurfer/subjects//ac1_ret/ No
such file ordirectory
tkmedit-sess logfile is
/home/anisha87/freesurfer/subjects/ac1_ret_study/log/tkmedit- sess.log
setenv SUBJECTS_DIR /home/anisha87/freesurfer/subjects
INFO: subject is ac1_anatomical
INFO: subject is ac1_anatomical
SUBJECTS_DIR /home/anisha87/freesurfer/subjects
tkmedit ac1_anatomical orig -overlay
/home/anisha87/freesurfer/subjects/ac1_ret/bold/register.dat -fthresh
2 -fmid 5 -fslope 1
corRead(): can't open file
Error: Loading volume orig
Couldn't read the anatomical volume.
Tkmedit couldn't read the volume you specified.
This could be because the image format wasn't recognized,
or it couldn't find the proper header,
or the file(s) were unreadable,
or it was the wrong size.
tkmedit failed
The file located in.the direcotory orig is 001.mgz
I can send it if needed.
When I run tkmedit for MT localization study for the same subject, I
get the same error.
Thank You
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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