Can you send a pic?
Ryan Muetzel wrote:
We are running Freesurfer version 4.0.1 and seem to be having problems
with the white matter/gray matter parcellation borders. When viewing
the pial and the main white surfaces in tkmedit, everything looks good
against the t1 brain. However, when the wmparc is loaded on, we are
seeing that the wmparc ROIs sometimes do not follow the white
surface----the ROIs are going into the gray matter regions.
Are the white matter surfaces converted to volumes and then convolved
with the aseg/aparcs/etc or are they only used for the cortical
thickness computations? It almost seems as if the intensity based wm
seg is used and not the wm surface based (?h.dwhite.ribbon.mgz)?
Any help is much appreciated!
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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