Hi Mike,

As Bruce mentioned, I did some fixes in the manual parcellations which
affects the aparc atlas in addition to the changes he made.



> both I think. Rahul fixed some thinks in the manual parcellations, and I
> passed the aseg to mris_ca_label so it could tell if surface locations
> were
> adjacent to callosum
> On Wed, 10 Oct 2007, Michael Harms wrote:
>> Was this fix implemented by a change to the probabilistic, 40-brain
>> Desikan parcellation atlas, or was the atlas itself unaffected?  If the
>> latter, could you please briefly describe how the fix was effected?
>> thanks!
>> Mike H.
>> On Wed, 2007-10-10 at 13:11 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Hi Mike,
>>> The mislabelling was primarily for the surface parcellations (aparc)
>>> but I
>>> think it would also affect the asegs as well.
>>> Best,
>>> rahul
>>>> Hi Rahul,
>>>> Was that mislabeling of rostral anterior cingulate as callosum
>>>> something
>>>> that was relevant just for the volume segmentation (aseg)?  Or were
>>>> the
>>>> surface parcellations (aparcs) somehow affected by the bug as well?
>>>> thanks,
>>>> Mike H.
>>>> On Wed, 2007-10-10 at 12:16 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>>> The midline fix for most updated version of Freesurfer (v4.0.0) does
>>>>> indeed refer to the correction of the mislabelling of the rostral
>>>>> anterior
>>>>> cingulate as the corpus callosum, which was present in the prior
>>>>> version.
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> rahul
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> The Release Notes of v4.0.0 indicate that one of the bug fixes was
>>>>>> "Corrected midline parcellation".  Is this a fix that affects the
>>>>> volume
>>>>>> segmentation (aseg) or the surface parcellation (aparc)?
>>>>>> Is that the fix for what was described in the "Known Issues" of
>>>>>> v3.0.5
>>>>>> as "During cortical parcellation, areas of the anterior cingulate
>>>>> cortex
>>>>>> (rostral anterior cingulate in the parcellation atlas), are
>>>>> mislabelled
>>>>>> as corpus callosum or "unlabelled subcortical". A fix for this is in
>>>>> the
>>>>>> works, possibly for the next release."
>>>>>> thanks,
>>>>>> Mike H.
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> Michael Harms, Ph.D.
>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> Conte Center for the Neuroscience of Mental Disorders
>>>>>> Washington University School of Medicine
>>>>>> Department of Psychiatry, Box 8134
>>>>>> Renard Hospital, Room 6615           Tel: 314-747-6173
>>>>>> 660 South Euclid Ave.                Fax: 314-747-2182
>>>>>> St. Louis, MO 63110                  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>> --------------------------------------------------------------------
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