
Doug Greve wrote:
But while an F with J=1 gives the same p value as an unsighed t, the actual statistic will be F = t^2. Could this account for the discrepancy?

Glenn Lawyer wrote:
No, not at all sure. That is why I am asking. However, mri_glmfit says that the values should be t-values if there is only one row in the contrast matrix:
"The F-ratio for the contrast is then given by:

   F = G'*inv(C*inv(X'W'*W*X))*C')*G/(J*rvar)

The F is then used to compute a p-value.  Note that when J=1, this
reduces to a two-tailed t-test."

In my test data, J does equal 1.

Don Hagler wrote:
Are you sure that it is saving t-values in F.mgh and not F-stats?

From: Glenn Lawyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <>
Subject: [Freesurfer] t-value saved values
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2007 15:00:44 +0200


I asked about this last week, and had a nice discussion with Doug, but somehow in that we never got the answer to my original question.

When FreeSurfer saves t-values (in F.mgh), what is it actually saving? The numbers in the file do not have a t-distribution (even when the source data for the glm is random noise). Is a transform applied to the t-values before the write, as is done with the p-values?

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