Jeffrey, Did the failures occur within a particular period of time, or were downloads attempted on different days? Its possible that our servers may have been busy.
The distribution is about 1.8GB in total (and 3.5GB after decompression). Does it always fail at around 800MB? Sorry I dont have any suggestions. If you have an ftp server to which I can upload, that is a possibility. Nick On Fri, 2007-08-10 at 10:11 +0930, Jeffrey Dutschke wrote: > Hi all, > > > > I have tried several times to download the free surfer software, and > have thus far failed to do so because the download stalls at around > 800mB into the file download. Are you able to advise as to how I might > overcome this problem. Specifically I have tried to download both the > Apple intel i686 and tiger file. I have been unsuccessful in attempts > to download it using a web-browser, a ftp client, and through the > terminal command line. > > I hope to be able to use the software to generate the surface of the > brain of a sheep for which we have CT and MIR scan data for an FE > model of impact and injury. > > Thankyou > Jeffrey Dutschke > > > > > _______________________________________________ > Freesurfer mailing list > > _______________________________________________ Freesurfer mailing list