Hi Jenni,
I am trying to edit the greyscale images of the brainmask.mgz. We are
trying to generate an ICC map with only grey/white matter and we need to
exclude a few structures that are not removed in the skull-stripping
step (i.e. some of the cranial nerves, pituitary, etc.). I assume that
I begin by using the "Edit Voxels tool (a)", but I do not know where to
go from there.
Jenni Pacheco wrote:
Hi Jared,
What happens when you try and edit? What type of editing are you
trying to do? Do you have the right tools selected? I'm going to
need a little bit more information on what you are doing and what is
going wrong. Thanks,
On Mon, 11 Jun 2007, Jared Conley wrote:
FreeSurfer community,
I am attempting to manually edit brainmask.mgz in TkMedit and cannot
figured out how to do so based on the info in the Wiki. I load the
file in X11 with the command <tkmedit subjid brainmask.mgz> and see
the images just fine, but I cannot seem to manually edit them like I
can in the segmentation file. Any ideas?
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