Hi Martin,

You should be fine not editing these regions routinely - only, of course, if
they pose a problem for your surfaces.  For the most part, also, you should
be fine to run the entire stream and do any edits that may be needed after
the fact - instead of running stepwise and checking each output along the


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Martin Chang
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 12:34 AM
To: freesurfer@nmr.mgh.harvard.edu
Subject: [Freesurfer] tkmedit

>I have a question about using tkmedit.  Up until now, our group has been 
>editing out the eye muscles after autorecon-1 and editing out the optic 
>nerve after autorecon-2.  I know on earlier versions of freesurfer it was 
>highly recommended to do so because the program would sometimes crash 
>otherwise.  However, using the newer version, the program seems to know to 
>not include eye muscles in the pial matter boundary, and the optic nerve 
>does create a region of high curvature at that point, but it doesn't crash 
>the program.
>I was wondering, in your own analyses, did you do editing at each step 
>(excluding situations that are obviously out of the norm), and would it be 
>a bad thing not to edit those regions in the majority of cases?
>Martin Chang

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