Hi Jeffrey,
yes, we do have a fix and are working on getting it released. Hopefully not
too long, but probably not before ISMRM and HBM.
On Fri, 11 May
2007, Jeffrey Spielberg wrote:
Hi, just wondering if a fix for this problem (labeling parts of acc as
corpus callosum or "unlabeled subcortical") was in the works, and if so if
the release date for the fix is known? Thanks,
On 1/10/07, Bruce Fischl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Jeff,
we're still working on it, but it's a known problem that we should get to
pretty soon (a month or two). Feel free to check back :)
On Tue, 9 Jan 2007,
Jeffrey Spielberg wrote:
> Hi, I sent a message to the forum last June regarding a problem with
> segmentation of the acc we were running into. We kept having areas of
> the rostral and caudal acc labeled as corpus callosum or "unlabelled
> subcortical". I got a reply that this was being worked on and I was
> wondering if this is now fixed in 3.0.4, and if not if there is any
> timeline for releasing a fix? Thanks,
> Jeff
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