The images are originally dicom that are converted to 4dfp. The 4dfp
is then converted to mgz.

I am unable to view the images with the
tkmedit -f sessionname.dcm command

I am assuming this is because we are using the 4dfp rather than dicom.

The images undergo no processing in terms of flipping or rotation
about the axis from dicom tot 4dfp - they are concatenated.


On 3/12/07, Doug Greve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

What is the original source of the images? If dicom, try loading the
dicom directly into tkmedit, something like:

tkmedit -f image.dcm

Which axis is it flipped around?

Lindsay Casmaer wrote:

> Hello,
> After running autorecon1 and viewing the brainmask.mgz images with
> tkmedit, the images appear rotated 180 degrees.
> Any suggestions on how this might be corrected would be greatly
> appreciated.
> The images are Seimens 3T Trio images that were converted without
> errors to the mgz format.
> Thanks,
> Lindsay
> Lindsay J. Casmaer
> Washington University in St. Louis
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Douglas N. Greve, Ph.D.
MGH-NMR Center
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