you need to specify the full path with -i

On Tue, 27 Feb 2007, Lindsay Casmaer wrote:

I am trying to run the first recon-all command on Seimens dicom files
to convert to mgz. I moved the files for each acquisition to a
separate directory ex: 001 002 003,  3 subdirectories each containing
the files for each scan acquisition.

I then run the command
recon-all -i 447-5-440.ima -i 447-6-568.ima -i 447-4-312.ima -s 030217_vc11174

-where 447-5-440.ima,  447-6-568.ima, and 447-4-312.ima are the first
files that appear in each acquisition directory.

The error I get is "cannot find 447-5-440.ima".

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Do I need to run this command
from the directory where the files are located? Do I need to set my
SUBJECTS_DIR each time to the individual session?

Thank you.
Lindsay Casmaer
Washington University in St. Louis
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