This is a problem with how the average subject is generated. There is a
bug in the thickness output (it gets mapped to the last subject in the
list instead of the average subject). I might not be able to get to it
until next week.
You can still get it to work if you do not include --projfrac. In fact,
you probably don't want to be using projfrac in this case anyway as the
directions are not all that well defined once you average all the
subjects surfaces in tal space anayway.
ps. Can I also suggest that you use mgh format for the output of
vol2surf, so your cmd would be:
mri_vol2surf --src
--srcreg register.dat --hemi lh --out
Note that you do not need to spec the format. You can pass the mgh file to
anything that takes a .w file.
Joongnam Yang wrote:
Hi all,
I was doing mri_vol2surf to overlay functional average(FSL) onto anatomical
average (Freesurfer)
and got the following error message,
Reading thickness /home/nam/V4RET/average/surf/lh.thickness
MRISreadCurvature: could not open /home/nam/V4RET/average/surf/lh.thickness
No such file or directory
Is "make_average_subject" supposed to produce "lh.thickness"?
Please let me know what is wrong?
My command was:
mri_vol2surf --src
--src_type analyze --srcreg register.dat --hemi lh --projfrac 0.5 --out
--out_type paint
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