Hi Martijn,
it looks like we have a memory leak. We'll look into it and get back to
you. I'm surprised you don't get past 253 with 16G of ram though. I've
run it on 300 or so.
On Wed, 21 Feb 2007, martijn van den heuvel wrote:
Dear Freesurfer-list,
I'm trying to construct an average group surface map using
'make_average_subject'. My group consists of a rather large number of
subjects, around 400 subjects.
Unfortunately, running 'make_average_subject' gives an error when processing
subject 253, saying it has an 'mgh reading error' on the 'T1.mgz'.
I checked that the involved files are all oke. In addition, I have run
'make_average_subject' several times with different group lists, but every
time it stops at subject 253.
I'm using an Intel MacPro with 16 GB of system memory, and there is plenty
of free memory when it runs.
Is there a maximum set on the number of subjects you can use in
'make_average_subject'? Can I reset this value?
Yours sincerely,
Martijn van den Heuvel
Freesurfer mailing list