Thanks, Bruce.
2. No, it's all done in what we call "conformed" space, which is the
original volume interpolated to 256^3, 1mm iso and 8 bits/voxel
If the original volume is 256^3, 1mm iso and 8 bits/voxel, whether
all output results are same as the original space?
At 10:17 AM 1/30/2007, Bruce Fischl wrote:
1. Yes.
2. No, it's all done in what we call "conformed" space, which is the
original volume interpolated to 256^3, 1mm iso and 8 bits/voxel
On Tue, 30 Jan 2007, yanxia wrote:
Thanks, Bruce.
I have another questions:
1> If the input binary segmentation is topologically correct,
whether the surface generated with the utility mri_tessellate is
topologically correct.
2> All output results with "recon-all -s bert -autorecon-all" are
based on normalized space (template), is it right?
Best Regards,
At 05:50 PM 1/29/2007, Bruce Fischl wrote:
Hi Yan,
1. We generate a file named ribbon.mgz, which is the filled
interior etween the ?h.white and ?h.pial surfaces.
2. This is a whole research topic, and most of the stuff that
happens after the segmentation is for doing this. The utility
mri_tessellate will generate a surface from a binary segmentation
but it won't be smooth or topologically correct.
On Mon, 29 Jan 2007, yanxia wrote:
Dear All,
I am a new user of FreeSurfer. I have two questions:
1> How can I use mri_surf2vol or others to convert .pial to .mgz?
2> I have a binary .mgz file. How can I generate .pial file so
that I can view it with tksurfer?
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