
'nu_correct' is a binary from the MNI toolkit which is included with
Freesurfer in the $FREESURFER_HOME/mni/bin directory.  It requires
'perl' to run, and sometimes the path in nu_correct does not match the
systems perl path.  To fix that situation, type:


Then setup Freesurfer again and type:


and you should see:

  nu_correct, version 1.10

  Usage: nu_correct [-help] [options] in.mnc out.mnc

To use Freesurfer to reconstruct the surface with a skull-stripped data
set, consult this table and make sure all the outputs from the -
autorecon1 stage are available, before running -autorecon2 and -



On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 11:02 -0800, yanxia wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have a MRI dataset without skull (did skull-stripping with FSL), 
> and try to reconstruct the surface. I run:
> recon-all -s $subject_name -autorecon-all
> But the program stops because "nu_correct: Command not found"!
> Question:
> 1> whether installation was not correct so not to find "nu_correct"?
> 2> what is best way or command to reconstruct the surface with a 
> skull-stripped data set?
> Thanks.
> Best Regards,
> Yan
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