Hi (Doug, Kevin, ...),

I am experiencing a problem with making labels in Tksurfer (for doing a
subsequent ROI analysis). I did something as follows:

1) I loaded a functional activity map by surf-sess (human cortex).

2) Then, I loaded the full flattened cortical surface.

3) After right-clicking in the Tksurfer window, I clicked (left-clicking)
on the center of 4 spatially distinct activity patches (i.e. 4 yellow
spots of activity, which had no overlap with each other and no overlap
with other yellow or blue patches). So 4 vertices were selected (as I saw
in the command-line window).

4) Then, I openned the "Custom Fill" dialog box, and selected the
following options:

Fill Conditions: Up to and including paths, Up to functional values below

Fill From: All marked vertices

Action: Create a new label

After clicking the "Fill" button (in the "Custom Fill" dialog box) and
then clicking the "Mark Label" button (in the Tksurfer window), the 4
patches were appropriately selected as white labels. In the command-line

% surfer: filling (ctrl-c to cancel).. done, 123 vertices filled
surfer: filling (ctrl-c to cancel)... done, 542 vertices filled
surfer: filling (ctrl-c to cancel). done, 105 vertices filled
surfer: filling (ctrl-c to cancel)..... done, 954 vertices filled

5) I saved the selected label. In the command-line window:

writing 2913 labeled vertices to

The problem is that the number of saved vertices is much more than the sum
of vertices in the 4 patches (2913 vs. 123+542+105+954). I do not have
this problem when I click on just 2 patches (rather than 4), and the
number of saved vertices is the sum of vertices in the 2 patches. I also
had this problem before, and I am worried that some additional vertices
(voxels) are saved out of my control, which might affect the ROI analysis.

Thanks for any help,


Reza Rajimehr, MD

NMR Athinoula A. Martinos Center
Department of Radiology
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
Building 149, 13th St.
Charlestown, MA 02129

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