Dear FreeSurfers,

We are running a FS-FAST group analysis where the individual subjects are
morphed to an average brain via spherical surface. The output of that
analysis (sig statistical maps, left hemisphere) is saved in

Question 1:
In the above, XXX is usually the slice number. However we have 25 slices
in the input data, and our <contrastname> folder contains only bfloat
numbers 000-006. I guess morphing the individual data to a sperical
surface for group analysis changes the original slice structure, and hence
the numbering. I guess we have seven "slices" because in the command
func2sph-sess we defined -icoorder 7 (icosahedron order). Correct?

Question 2:
We use the above sig-lh_XXX.bfloat files as input to a custom matlab
analysis. Remember we have XXX=000-006. What should the output of the
matlab analysis look like so that rendering it onto a FreeSurfer surface
will work? Is there any documentation related to this?



Tommi Raij, M.D., Ph.D.
Bldg 149, 13th St
Charlestown, MA 02129

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