I'm new to fMR and am using mri_convert to convert from siemens dicom to 
analyze/spm format.I ran the command below and had a couple of questions:

1 - Why does the first INFO: line say that 807 files were found when only 805 
were input?

2 - Why were only 800 of 805 files converted?

3 - As it says at the end of the output, the axial plane is flipped. Is there 
any way I can prevent this?

Thanks for your help,

mri_convert -it siemens_dicom 21851740 -ot spm ../test
mri_convert -it siemens_dicom 21851740 -ot spm ../test 
reading from 21851740...
Getting Series No 
Scanning Directory 
INFO: Found 807 files in 
INFO: Scanning for Series Number 2
INFO: found 800 files in series
INFO: loading series header info.

INFO: sorting.
RunNo = 1
INFO: ( 64  60  21), nframes = 800, ismosaic=1
Numaris Version: syngo MR 2004V 4VB11D  Maj = 4, Min=1, MinMin = 1 
Computing TR with number of slices
Repetition Time = 1420, TR = 29820 ms
        NumarisVer        syngo MR 2004V 4VB11D 
        ScannerModel      Avanto
        PatientName       Fornito^Alex^^^Mr 
Date and time
        StudyDate         20060427
        StudyTime         192350.703000 
        SeriesTime        192556.781000 
        AcqTime           192554.055005 
Acquisition parameters
        PulseSeq          epfid2d1_60 
        Protocol          ep2d_800
        PhEncDir          COL 
        EchoNo            0
        FlipAngle         78
        EchoTime          26
        InversionTime     26
        RepetitionTime    1420
        PhEncFOV          206.25
        ReadoutFOV        220
Image information
        RunNo             1
        SeriesNo          2
        ImageNo           1
        NImageRows        300
        NImageCols        320
        NFrames           800
        SliceArraylSize   21
        IsMosaic          1
        ImgPos            106.2426 139.4769 -20.2630 
        VolRes              3.4375   3.4375   5.0000 
        VolDim             64  60  21 
        Vc                 -0.9981  -0.0053   0.0606 
        Vr                  0.0000  -0.9962  -0.0873 
        Vs                  0.0608  -0.0872   0.9943 
        VolCenter          -0.3610  31.5859  29.5993 
        TransferSyntaxUID 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
should never get here
INFO: no Siemens slice order reversal detected (good!). 
TR=29820.00, TE=26.00, TI=26.00, flip angle=78.00
i_ras = (-0.998149, -0.00531035, 0.0605839)
j_ras = (3.3967e-08, -0.996181, -0.0873174)
k_ras = (0.0608162, -0.0871557, 0.994337)
writing to ../test...
Analyze Output Matrix
-3.431   0.000   0.304   109.370;
-0.018  -3.424  -0.436   143.355;
 0.208  -0.300   4.972  -25.143;
 0.000   0.000   0.000   1.000;
INFO: set hdr.hist.orient to 'transverse flipped'
INFO: set hdr.hist.orient to 'transverse flipped'
INFO: set hdr.hist.orient to 'transverse flipped'
INFO: set hdr.hist.orient to 'transverse flipped'
INFO: set hdr.hist.orient to 'transverse flipped'
INFO: set hdr.hist.orient to 'transverse flipped'
INFO: set hdr.hist.orient to 'transverse flipped'
INFO: set hdr.hist.orient to 'transverse flipped'
INFO: set hdr.hist.orient to 'transverse flipped'
INFO: set hdr.hist.orient to 'transverse flipped'

Alex Fornito
M.Psych/PhD (clin. neuro.) candidate
Melbourne Neuropsychiatry Centre and Department of Psychology
National Neuroscience Facility
The University of Melbourne
Levels 2 & 3, Alan Gilbert Building
161 Barry St
Carlton South Vic 3053 Australia
Ph:    +61 3 8344 1624
Fax:   +61 3 9348 0469

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