Dear Freesurfers,

We are trying to write a tksurfer tcl script that would save FIR analysis
hemodynamic waveform time course windows in postscript format (rgb or tiff
are not sufficient as we need to do a lot of editing on the figures with
Adobe Illustrator to get publishable figures. No, not THAT kind of editing
:)). The script loads a label, loads a hemodynamic waveform, calculates
the mean value across the label, and plots the curves. Most of the stuff
is working already, thanks to Kevin Teich, but a few pieces are missing.
The functions we are looking for exist in the GUI, but we could not find
the corresponding script commands in the wiki or archive. Could you tell
us the tcl script commands for:

1. Save the time course window in /<path>/<filename-timecourse>.ps

2. Select only some of the contrasts for display (e.g., we have contrasts
0-7 and only want to display 1, 2, and 3)

3. Setting "subtract pre-stim average" on, i.e. forcing the pre-stimulus
time window mean values to zero on the y-axis ("baseline correction").

I will add the script to the wiki when we have it working. Very convenient
when you have multiple contrasts in multiple experimental conditions and
many ROIs in many subjects - just edit the list of ROIs/labels and time
courses to be loaded, and let the computer do the rest!



Tommi Raij, M.D., Ph.D.
MGH/MIT/HMS Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Bldg 149, 13th St
Charlestown, MA 02129

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