So where can I download this update?
Would I have to download the whole version of freesurfer?

On 8/1/06 10:09 AM, "Doug Greve" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have just changed the way that DEV version recon-all creates the
> aseg.stats file. Previously, it would report everything that it found
> in FreeSurferColorLUT.txt. This included a lot of stuff that would
> never be in the subcortical segmentation, and this made the aseg.stats
> file very messy.
> The new version only reports on segmentations that are part of the
> subcortical segmentation process (ie, in mri_ca_label). Note that
> there may still be some segmentations reported in aseg.stats that are
> not found in a particular aseg.mgz because that segmentation was not
> found during labeling (eg, hypointensities).
> The values in the table (ie, volumes and intensities) should be
> exactly the same.
> This change only applies to dev (not to stable) and should be live on
> Tue.
> doug

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